Hei-Bri Jerseys Dispersal
Hei-Bri Jerseys Dispersed
The Registered Jersey adventure Brian and Heidi Lantzky first undertook in 1998 concluded on April 19, 2019, with the complete dispersal of Hei-Bri Jerseys at the farm in Hawkeye, Iowa. Like most dispersals, emotions ran high for this one too. But this event was a celebration for the Lantzkys, an attitude of gratitude for two decades of a good life and smiles for buyers and sellers alike at the close of the day. Jersey breeders from across the country came out in force to support Brian and Heidi and their daughters, Brittany and Dayle and their families, purchasing the 285 lots for an average of $1,332.81 and a gross of $379,850.

Brian and Heidi Lantzky welcome Jersey breeders to their farm in Hawkeye, Iowa, for The Hei-Bri Jersey Adventure, a dispersal celebrating two decades breeding Registered Jerseys.
Old-fashioned values with a modern focus was the philosophy with which the Lantzkys managed the herd. For their efforts, Brian and Heidi were honored with the Young Jersey Breeder Award from the American Jersey Cattle Association in 2003 and named Progressive Dairy Producers for herds under 300 cows by National Dairy Shrine in 2009. Though they bred show champions over the years, their primary focus was productive, functional, healthy and profitable cows. The rolling herd average for March 2019 was 20,500 lbs. milk, 984 lbs. fat and 792 lbs. protein, with a bulk tank somatic cell count of 77,000.
Ever mindful of improving the genetic base and broadening diversity, Brian and Heidi purchased top-quality genetics from other breeders as well, many as embryos to supplement their own embryo transfer program. Some of their recent purchases were near the top of the pedigree in the high sellers, including that of the high seller, River Valley Santana Praise-P-ET.
Number | Average Price | Total Value |
151 cows | $1,606.62 | $242,600 |
20 under 3 months SWD | $606.25 | $12,125 |
44 bred heifers | $1,247.16 | $54,875 |
12 open yearlings | $781.25 | $9,375 |
75 heifer calves | $776.00 | $58,200 |
2 bulls | $1,000.00 | $2,000 |
1 embryo package | $675.00 | $675 |
285 lots | $1,332.81 | $379,850 |
Median Price | $1,200.00 |
Reece Knoploh of Sumner, Iowa, purchased the Very Good-80% daughter of Kash In Santana-P-ET, GJPI +88, for $7,000. “Praise-P” freshened with her first calf in May 2018 and sold due to River Valley Cece Chrome-ET, GJPI +189, in mid-June. She has 18,456 lbs. milk, 980 lbs. fat and 753 lbs. protein in 316 days at 1-10. The m.e. on the lactation is 24,099–1,252–968.
Her maternal brother is Hawarden Impuls Premier, GJPI +78, one of the breed’s early genomic standouts and the leading sire of Registered Jersey sons in 2012. Their dam, Hawarden Jace Pix, Excellent-91%, has seven lactations—three over 20,000 lbs. milk—and a best record of 4-0 305 21,410 4.8% 1,026 3.8% 823 102DCR. The next dam is an Excellent-91% daughter of Molly Brook Berretta Future-ET, GJPI -20, with a four lactation m.e. average of 18,292–890–718. The next dam, Hawarden Atlantis Pixy B, Excellent-94%, has nine lactations and a best record of 7-0 305 20,420 5.4% 1,110 4.1% 835 99DCR.
The volume buyer of the day, Strack-View Farms LLC, Random Lake, Wis., placed the final bid of $4,400 on the second-high seller, Hei-Bri Regency Salem. The Very Good-85% daughter of TJF Visionary Regency, GJPI +132, sold fresh with her second calf in early December 2018. She gave 85 lbs. milk on her March test and is projected to 23,317 lbs. milk, 1,182 lbs. fat and 944 lbs. protein at 3-3. The m.e. on her first lactation at 2-0 is 26,580–1,303–1,044.
“Salem” hails from the “Katie” cow family developed by Brentwood Farms of Orland, Calif. Numerous bulls from the family have been sampled in A.I., including BW Academy, GJPI +66, syndicated to help establish Jersey Youth Academy, and BW Country, GJPI +6, the breed’s former #1 JPI sire.
“Salem’s” dam is a Very Good-88% daughter of BW Venerable-ET, GJPI +36, with a three lactation m.e. average of 22,783–991–860. Her Excellent-91% grandam, sired by SC Gold Dust Paramount Iatola-ET, GJPI +21, has three records over 23,000 lbs. milk and made her best record of 25,220 lbs. milk, 1,066 lbs. fat and 893 lbs. protein (3x milking) at 6-9.
Her fourth dam, BW Centurion Enid K783, Excellent-94%, has five lactations—three over 31,000 lbs. milk—and a best record of 6-0 365 3x 37,140 4.7% 1,734 3.2% 1,183 DHIR. The next dam is BW Avery Katie ET121-ET, Excellent-93%, with four lactations over 30,000 lbs. milk and a best record of 6-6 365 3x 36,530 4.8% ,747 3.2% 1,172 DHIR. The next dam, BW Berretta Prize G525, Excellent-92%, has a best record of 3-1 305 25,570 4.0% 1,014 3.7% 936 DHIR.
In all, Strack-View Farms purchased 35 head for $59,825.
Todd Clark of Wilton, Wis., purchased the third high-seller, River Valley Pix Promise-P-ET, a full sister to the high seller, for $3,800. The Desirable-78% “Santana-P” daughter sold due to Ahlem Kwynn Respect-ET, GJPI +168, in early June. She gave 60 lbs. milk on her March test and has a projected m.e. of 25,376–1,260–1,036 at 1-11.
Clark also took home the fourth high-seller, Hei-Bri Kwynn Trilby-ET, for $3,650. The first-calf heifer is sired by CDF Karbala Kwynn, GJPI +153. She gave 60 lbs. milk on her first test in March and has a projected m.e. of 23,610–1,272–875 at 2-3. She is backed by the “Texas” cow family that includes the bull, Heartland Merchant Topeka, GJPI +36, ranked #2 for number of registered sons in 2013.
“Trilby’s” dam is a Very Good-87% daughter of PF Lennox Hendrix, GJPI +134, with a best record of 4-4 305 26,160 5.0% 1,317 3.7% 971 97DCR. The next dam, Heartland Artist Tacoma-ET, Very Good-88%, has five records—all over 22,000 lbs. milk—and a best record of 4-4 305 3x 28,070 5.3% 1,481 3.5% 970 93DCR.
Her third dam is Heartland Nathan Texas, Excellent-95%. She has four records over 20,000 lbs. milk and made her top record of 26,340 lbs. milk, 1,130 lbs. fat and 991 lbs. protein (3x milking) at 3-11. The matriarch has lifetime credits of 138,700 lbs. milk, 6,469 lbs. fat and 5,252 lbs. protein on five lactations. The next two dams are Excellent as well, both with records exceeding 20,000 lbs. milk.
Strack-View purchased the fifth high-seller, Hei-Bri Regency Embrace, for $3,300. The Very Good-83% “Regency” daughter freshened in May 2018 and has a first lactation with an m.e. of 27,938–1,233–1,017 at 1-10. She sold carrying an embryo sired by Oaklane Dazzler Disco 2127-ET, GJPI +177, and out of Hei-Bri Samson Kanah, implanted in mid-November. “Kanah” is a second-generation Excellent daughter of DP Valentino Samson, GJPI +95, with more than 20,000 lbs. milk in her second lactation.
“Embrace” is from one of the leading genetic cow families developed by the Lantzkys. Her dam is a Very Good-88% daughter of Waunakee Legal Perform, GJPI +88, with 21,020 lbs. milk, 1,046 lbs. fat and 804 lbs. protein at 3-5. The Excellent-90% grandam has 17,710 lbs. milk, 898 lbs. fat and 667 lbs. protein at 3-3. Her third dam, Hei-Bri Paramount Emory, Excellent-90%, has 24,320 lbs. milk, 997 lbs. fat and 868 lbs. protein at 4-5 and several sons in A.I. Her Very Good-85% fourth dam has a pair of 20,000 lbs. records.
Both Brian and Heidi earned degrees in dairy herd management from Northeast Iowa Community College and worked as herdspeople for other dairies before striking out on their own. They established Hei-Bri Jerseys in 1998 milking 75 Registered Jersey cows on a rented farm. They purchased their present farm in 2004 and built a compost-bedded barn with a center drive-through and double-12 parlor. They grew the herd to 145 cows and practiced intensive grazing supplemented with a balanced TMR.
The Lantzkys have been active in the dairy community. Brian is a former president of the Iowa Jersey Cattle Club and district representative for Swiss Valley Farms. He and Heidi have been guest speakers for dairy classes at their alma mater and advocated for dairy with their Congressmen on Capitol Hill. The family has frequently been featured in the local press and in a pair of articles in Hoard’s Dairyman on balancing farm and family and getting a start in the dairy industry.

Strack-View Farms LLC was the volume buyer, represented by partners Kim and Ryan Gartman, third left and back left, and Kenny Strack, back center, and his fiance Jennifer Schiles, center. Also pictured left to right are herd owners Brian and Heidi Lantzky, AJCA-NAJ Area Representative Ron Mosser, Ron Roskopf, Norm Nabholz, pedigrees, Gretchen Taylor, Aaron Ray Tompkins, Chris Lundgren, Lynn Lee, auctioneer, and Scott Courtney.