Indiana State Fair Jersey Show 2019
August 14, 2019 - Indianapolis
151 head
Judge: Pat Conroy, Angola, Ind.

Bolle-Acres Novation Maple
Senior and Grand Champion
Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher, Argos

Bachelors Sahara Shadow
Intermediate and Reserve Grand Champion
Bachelor Farms and Cody, Jaycee, Layne, Morgan, Caylee, Chase and Cade Bachelor, Angola
• Senior and Grand Champion female—Bolle-Acres Novation Maple, Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher, Argos
• Intermediate and Reserve Grand Champion female—Bachelors Sahara Shadow, Bachelor Farms and Cody, Jaycee, Layne, Morgan, Caylee, Chase and Cade Bachelor, Angola
• Reserve Senior Champion female—Motion Busty Of PRF, L.M., H.C. and D.R. Mosser and B. Forest and S. Garrett, Geneva
• Reserve Intermediate Champion female—Stookey Holm Colton Truffle, Mallarie and Jordan Stookey, Milford
• Junior Champion female—Rosewood Fizzy Kocktail, Rosewood Maplebranch and Caylee James, Middlebury
• Reserve Junior Champion female—Bolle-Acres Reviresco Sabrina, Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher, Argos
• Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor—Bolle-Acres, Argos
Class Winners
Junior heifer calf (19 shown)
1. Maplebranch Andres Jessies Girl, Austin and Craig Thomas, Middlebury
2. Rivendale Fizz Diva-ET, Mike, Kristine, Noah, and Isaac Beam and Casey and Macy Baker, Peru
3. Geisler Colton Lillian, Carissa, Lindy and Elise Mercer and Ayden Condon and Haley Hufford, Delphi
Intermediate heifer calf (18 shown)
1. Rosewood Renegade Delish, Rosewood/Maplebranch, New Paris
2. Millers Dominate Sage, Millers Jerseys and Rhea Miller, Osgood
3. Millers Verb Caroline, Millers Jerseys and Rhea Miller
Senior heifer calf (19 shown)
1. Rosewood Fizzy Kocktail (S: J-Kay Tequila Fizz, D: Rosewood On Time Klovey), Rosewood Maplebranch and Caylee James, Middlebury, jr. champ.
2. Prarieview Colton Mocha, Korey Oechsle and Hailey and Hayden Stookey, Milford
3. Maplebranch Jimbo Dandy, Austin and Craig Thomas
Summer yearling heifer (9 shown)
1. Rosewood Tequila Hangover, Rosewood Maplebranch and Caylee James
2. KCJF Resurrection Mystery, Miller Jerseys and Rhea Miller
3. Tierneys Andreas Ayla, Lane, Sophia, Ellie and Maddie Bollenbacher, Argos
Junior yearling heifer (14 shown)
1. Bolle-Acres Reviresco Sabrina (S: Rapid Bay Reviresco-ET, D: Bolle-Acres Success Sabrina), Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher, Argos, res. jr. champ.
2. GOJ Frivolous Impression, Phillip, Melissa, Patrick and Andrew Dowty, Goshen
3. Lake-Point Gunman Verbena, Catalina and Yazmine Tucker and Logan Goodrich
Intermediate yearling heifer (14 shown)
1. Chestnut Hyll Suede Memphis, Lane, Sophia and Ellie Bollenbacher and B. Shilling and K. Reichard, Argos
2. SSF Boeheim Emma, Josh, Jenny, Katelyn, Abigail, William and Matthew Gordon, Warsaw
3. ZJF Tequila Burnhilda-ET, Tessa, Avery, Cora and Eliza Everhart, Morristown
Senior yearling heifer (9 shown)
1. Schulte Bros Elegant Tequila-ET, Phil W. Gordon/Gordon Farms, Syracuse
2. Bakers Fashion Fancy, Millers Jerseys and Rhea Miller
3. Verbatim T Hazel, Lydia Piercefield and Messmer Jersey Farm, Martinsville
Milking yearling (4 shown)
1. Goff Andreas 33073-ET, Peyton, Adyson and Buster Goff, Hobbs, N.M., best udder
2. Bolle-Acres Fizz Pandora, Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher
3. Pleasant Ridge Joel Viola, A.D., T.M., C.M., L.M., A.M., H.C. and R.L. Mosser, Geneva
Junior 2-yr.-old cow (16 shown)
1. Bachelors Sahara Shadow (S: Bachelors Irwin Sahara, D: Bachelors Valentino Storm), Bachelor Farms and Cody, Jaycee, Layne, Morgan, Caylee, Chase and Cade Bachelor, Angola, int. and res. gr. champ., best udder
2. Stookey Holm Colton Truffle (S: Chilli Action Colton-ET, D: Stookeyholm ExcitationTaffy), Mallarie and Jordan Stookey, Milford, res. int. champ.
3. Bolle-Acres Fizz Starfire, Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher
Senior 2-yr.-old cow (6 shown)
1. Million Etta of PRF, A.D., L.M., D.R., and H.C. Mosser, and M. Grote and G. Ford, Geneva, best udder
2. Goff Matt 31474, Buster Goff, Hobbs, N.M.
3. Bolle-Acres M Geni Willie May, Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher
Junior 3-yr.-old cow (5 shown)
1. Bolle-Acres Reviresco Tyra {4}, Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher, best udder
2. Gordons Tequila Ashley, Phil, Abigail, Matthew, Katelyn and William Gordon, Syracuse
3. Leann-Acres Impresstion Carly, Sheldon Thomas, Middlebury
Senior 3-yr.-old cow (5 shown)
1. Bolle-Acres Novation Maple (S: BW Innovation, D: Bolle-Acres LJ Margo), Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher, sr. and gr. champ, best udder, best bred and owned over all
2. Gordons WV Tequila Blaze, Phil and Josh Gordon and James Eash, Syracuse
3. Bolle-Acres Colton Comet, Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Lane, Sophie and Ellie Bollenbacher
4-yr.-old cow (9 shown)
1. Motion Busty of PRF (S: KCJF Mollys Ren Motion, D: Pleasant Ridge PA Bombshell), L.M., H.C. and D.R. Mosser and B. Forest and S. Garrett, Geneva, res. sr. champ., best udder
2. Maughlin Giller Eclipse, Landen Knapp, Epworth
3. TS Bakers Lushes, Casey Baker, Roanoke
5-yr.-old cow (1 shown)
1. H Ramer Hired Gun Mable, Jesse Ramer, Elkhart, best udder
Aged cow (3 shown)
1. Rock Run Dansal Candy, Mark Thomas and Jeff Stookey, Middlebury, best udder
2. Page-Crest Counciller Karlie-ET, A.D., T.M., C.M., L.M., A.M., H.C. and R.L. Mosser
Dairy herd (3 shown)
1. Bolle-Acres and Max Bollenbacher, Argos
2. Gordon Farms, Syracuse
Breeder’s herd (3 shown)
1. Bolle-Acres and Max Bollenbacher
2. Gordon Farms
Produce of dam (7 shown)
1. Casey and Macy Baker, Roanoke
2. Bolle-Acres and Max Bollenbacher
3. Ron Mosser and Family, Geneva