Iowa State Fair Jersey Show 2019
August 8, 2019 - Des Moines
122 head
Judge: Bob Hagenow, Poynette, Wis.
• Senior and Grand Champion female—Stone-Front Maverick Vicky, David and Kaylee Koss and Jason Steinlage, Epworth
• Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion female—Bambi-KCCK Impression Ella, Kaleb, Cole and Carter Kruse and Gene Henderson, Dyersville
• Intermediate Champion female—Arthuracres Tequila Maria-ET, Joe Gibbs, Gene Henderson and Rachel Hefel, Epworth
• Reserve Intermediate Champion female—Woodmohr Genty Ginger-ET, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte, Watkins
• Junior Champion female—Schulte Bros Showdown Glam, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte
• Reserve Junior Champion female—Schulte Bros Colton Fame-ET, Kaleb, Cole and Carter Kruse and Gene Henderson
• Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor—Schulte Bros, Blairstown
Class Winners
Junior heifer calf (12 shown)
1. Bambi-KCCK Casino Spring-ET, Gene Henderson and Cole Kruse, Manchester
2. Arthuracres VIP Noble V, Arthur Acres, Oelwein
3. Koepke Remake Elsa, Luke and Cody Koepke, Denver
Intermediate heifer calf (12 shown)
1. Schulte Bros Colton Fame-ET (S: Chilli Action Colton-ET, D: Pleasant Nook Guns Foxy Lady), Kaleb, Cole and Carter Kruse and Gene Henderson, Dyersville, res. jr. champ.
2. Sunrise Valley T Tilts, Grace Howe, Waukon
3. Schulte Bros Teq Fortune-ET, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte and Madison Sickles, Watkins
Senior heifer calf (12 shown)
1. Schulte Bros Showdown Glam (S: River Valley Spice Showdown, D: Schulte Bros Tequia Gia-ET), Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte, Watkins, jr. champ.
2. Meadowridge Bang Bang Stella, Roger Riebe and Emma and Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, Wis.
3. Hei-Bri Chrome Donna, Dry Hollow Dairy, Farley
Summer yearling heifer (6 shown)
1. Schulte Bros Showdown Elise, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte and Dana Sickles, Watkins
2. Irish Hill Colton Razzie, Kalli Barber, De Witt
3. Miss Tequila Shananigans, Jason Steinlage and Dan Hovden, Lawler
Junior yearling heifer (7 shown)
1. Arthuracres VIP Martina, Myron and Brad Arthur and Carter Stahlberg, Oelwein
2. Schulte Bros Showdown Fiona, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte and Brian Delgado, Watkins
3. Arthuracres Ringman Natty Lite, Mike and Brenda Dilly and Brian and Bradley Arthur, Oelwein
Intermediate yearling heifer (5 shown)
1. Arthuracres Showdown Molly-ET, Brad Arthur, Sumner
2. Edgebrook Jax Nola, Jason Steinlage, Lawler
3. Rockin-K Colton Jollity {6}, Rockin-K Dairy and Daniel Kiefer, Cedar Falls
Senior yearling heifer (3 shown)
1. Meadowridge Fizz Shyanne-ET, Michael Riebe and Alleah and Emma Anderson, Cumberland, Wis.
2. Schulte Bros Elite Tequila-ET, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte and Brian Delgado
Milking yearling (4 shown)
1. JBByers Getaway Jazzible-ET, Byers Dairy Farm, Milo
2. Schulte Bros Tequila Delight-ET, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte
3. Milksource Velocity Malibu-ET, McCoy Kinslow, Smiths Grove, Ky.
Junior 2-yr.-old cow (12 shown)
1. Arthuracres Tequila Maria-ET (S: Tower Vue Prime Tequila-ET, D: Edgebrook Stylemaster Merlot), Joe Gibbs, Gene Henderson and Rachel Hefel, Epworth, int. champ.
2. Schulte Bros Tequila Georgia-ET, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte
3. Summetz Ladd Sharissa, Summit Farm Inc, Lester
Senior 2-yr.-old cow (5 shown)
1. Meadowridge Fizz Sparkle-ET, Gene Henderson and Cole Kruse
2. Summetz Valson Thelma, Summit Farm Inc
3. Schoofs Juno Pixar, Doug and Sandy Schoof and Family, Primghar
Junior 3-yr.-old cow (9 shown)
1. Woodmohr Genty Ginger-ET (S: Rapid Bay Indiana Gentry-ET, D: Budjon-Vail Jade Gianna-ET), Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte, res. int. champ.
2. Schulte Bros Flashy Lady, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte
3. Klus-Grove Shoutout Capresha, Arthur Acres
Senior 3-yr.-old cow (6 shown)
1. SVHeaths HGun Corolla-ET, Zach, Blake and Mitch Schulte
2. JX Avon Road Gus Sara {5}, Arthur Acres
3. Arthuracres Tequila Martha-ET, Myron and Brad Arthur and Carter Stahlberg
4-yr.-old cow (9 shown)
1. Stone-Front Maverick Vicky (S: Golden Dream Critic Maverick-P, D: Stone-Front Eclipse Venus), David and Kaylee Koss and Jason Steinlage, Epworth, sr. and gr. champ.
2. Bambi-KCCK Impression Ella (S: Rock Ella Impression-ET, D: Bambi-KCCK Tequila Elise), Kaleb, Cole and Carter Kruse and Gene Henderson, res. sr. and res. gr. champ.
3. Holtz-View Hired Gun Nilla, Jeff, Mary and Lisa Holtz, Maquoketa
5-yr.-old cow (8 shown)
1. Schulte Bros Gov Lollipop, Mitch Schulte, Blairstown
2. Schoofs Impression Pollybelle, Doug and Sandy Schoof and Family
3. Iota Reagan Leila, Nicholas Costello, De Witt
Aged cow (2 shown)
1. Sherona Tequila Visa, Jason Steinlage, Lawler
Lifetime production (1 shown)
1. Cinnamon Ridge Samson Collie, Edwin A. Maxwell, Donahue
Best three head (3 shown)
1. Schulte Bros, Blairstown
2. Holtz View Farms, Maquoketa
Best four head (4 shown)
1. Schulte Bros
2. Holtz View Farms
3. Rockin-K Holsteins and Jerseys, Cedar Falls