Meetings 2021 – Highlights
North Carolina Jersey Cattle Association
Annual Field Day and North Carolina Pot O’Gold Sale
July 24, 2021 – Small Acres Dairy, Mills River
Officers: Corey Lutz, Lincolnton, president; Major Bond, Hickory, vice president; Coy Reese, Taylorsville, treasurer; and Shirley LeForge, Union Grove, secretary.

Jack Cecil gives Jersey breeders a brief history of the Biltmore Jersey herd, which now resides at Small Acres Dairy in Mills River.

Mike Corn, herd manager, and Coy Reese, NCJBA treasurer.

Dennis and Mary Beth Leamon.
Small Acres Dairy, home to the well-known 300-cow Biltmore Jersey herd, was the venue for this year’s field day. Jack Cecil, great-grandson of the farm’s founder, the late George W. Vanderbilt, gave a brief history of the operation. Mike Corn, herdsman since 1983, led the farm tour.
The dairy initially operated as several satellite farms. Herds were consolidated on the Biltmore property in the 1960s. Most of the herd was dispersed through the Lifetime Opportunity Sale in 1983. Heifers that were retained were moved to Tap Root Dairy, managed by Corn, and then to the present farm years later.
Cows are housed in a freestall barn and milked in a double-six herringbone parlor. Known for their unique ration, they are fed a TMR that includes alfalfa, hominy, citrus pulp, and vegetables from a local canning facility.
Among the tour highlights was a viewing of daughters of River Valley Cece Chrome-ET, GJPI +85, and their dams.
Jersey breeders were treated to a BBQ lunch, complete with sides and ice cream from neighboring Mills River Creamery. The creamery also makes cheese and butter and bottles milk from its Jersey herd.
North Carolina Pot O’Gold Sale
Five juniors purchased heifers from the sale for an average of $1,950. They are eligible to compete in the production contest for these heifers in 2024, which is based on their first 305-day lactations.
Field day host, Biltmore Farms, consigned the high seller, Biltmore Chrome Fortune 5188. Maddox Johnson of Statesville purchased the “Chrome” daughter for $2,300.
She is out of a Very Good-83% daughter of BW Fastrack-ET, GJPI +41, with a four lactation m.e. average of 21,588―1,243―775. Her grandam is sired by Forest Glen Meccas Jevon-ET, GJPI -13, and has an m.e. average of 19,948―966―640 on four records as well. Her Very Good-84% third dam has three records over 20,000 lbs. milk and a best record of 4-4 288 22,800 4.7% 1,065 3.3% 762 97DCR.
Other juniors who made purchases were Laurel Gray, Stony Point; Claira Hatcox, Taylorsville; Luca Allen Hernandez, Ayden; and Leighton Moyer, Ayden.
Wisconsin Jersey Breeders Association
Annual Meeting
March 6, 2021 – Ramada Wyndham, Waupaca
New Officers: Alana Peterson, Viroqua, president; Natalie Kessenich, Rio, vice president; Sydney Endres, Lodi, secretary/treasurer
New Directors-at-Large: Tommy Allen, Reedsburg, and Rob Klinkner, Viroqua
New Junior Officers: Matthew Fischer, Owen, president; Sophie Larson, Reedsburg, vice president; Ava Hebgen, De Forest, secretary

Breeders serving on the WJBA board for 2021 include, left to right, Jason James, Lisa Pettis, Tommy Allen, Alana Peterson, Rodney Hodgson, Melissa Boehlke, Martin Hall, Dave Oberreich, Rob Klinkner, and Natalie Kessenich. Not pictured are Allison Foster and Brent Young.

Debbie Ashmore, center, receives the Wisconsin Distinguished Service Award. Celebrating with her are, left to right, Jason James, Blake Sander, Sarah Ashmore-Oler and Jayden Alderson.

Matthew Fischer was named Wisconsin Junior Jersey Breeder. Sophie Larson was crowned Wisconsin Jersey Queen. Fischer also won the senior division of the youth achievement contest while Larson was runner-up.

Youth winning junior production awards were, left to right, Olivia Bowers, Ivy Hebgen, Charlie Tauchen, Ava Hebgen, Colin Wussow, and Ela Hebgen. Olivia also won the intermediate division of the youth achievement contest while Ava placed second.
Senior Member Awards
Wisconsin Senior Jersey Breeder: Karl Steinhauer, Matoon.
Wisconsin Junior Jersey Breeder: Matthew Fischer.
Wisconsin Distinguished Service Award: Debbie Ashmore, Boscobel

Awards for parish production were presented to, left to right, Natalie Kessenich, Kessenich Farms LLC; Emmy Neal-Stock, D & D Jerseys; Walter Owens, Owens Farms, Inc.; Charlie Tauchen, Tauchen Harmony Valley; and Jacob Leum, Redrock-View Jerseys. Other winners were Grass Ridge Farm, Trescher's Jerseys, Woodmohr Jerseys, and Lost-Elm Jerseys.
Production Awards
High Herd Milk: D & D Jerseys, Newton
22,815M, 1,154F, 832P on 86 cows
High Herd Fat and Protein: Redrock-View Jerseys, Darlington
22,815M, 1,231F, 837P on 18 cows
Most Improved Herd Milk, Fat and Protein: Tommy and Sammy Allen, Reedsburg
Up 3,200M, 32F, 122P
High Cow Milk, Protein and Cheese Yield: Redrock-View Lmnhd Jacki 2825, VG-86%
2-10 30,650 5.2% 1,585 3.5% 1,070 3,698CY
Steve Carpenter, Darlington
High Cow Fat: Woodmohr V Diamond-ET, E-96%
6-9 24,270 7.0% 1,694 3.7% 888
Woodmohr Jerseys, Bloomer
Lifetime Milk: JX Barlass Dazzle Flower {4}, VG-83%
198,344M, 7,820F, 6,441P in 2,553 days
Brian G. Barlass, Janesville
Lifetime Fat and Protein: Lost-Elm Action Erotica, E-92%
183,922M, 10,121F, 7,466P in 2,883 days
Jason Luttropp, Berlin
Junior Member Awards
Wisconsin Jersey Queen: Sophie Larson
Senior Youth Achievement Contest: Matthew Fischer, winner: Sophie Larson, runner-up.
Intermediate Youth Achievement Contest: Olivia Bowers, Marion, winner; Ava Hebgen, runner-up
Junior Youth Achievement Contest: Addison Fischer, Cecil, winner (Jersey calf donated by Lloyd Heinz, Shawano); Marissa Owens, Fredric, runner-up (show halter, Lois Haeuser Memorial Award)
Scholarships: Alleah Anderson, Cumberland ($400); Matthew Fischer ($300); Sophie Larson ($300)
Youth Cost-Sharing Program: Alleah Anderson ($125)

Addison Fischer won the Wisconsin Junior Youth Award. Her prize is a choice of seven calves graciously donated by Lloyd Heinz.

Marissa Owens was named reserve winner of the junior youth achievement contest. She will receive a show halter as a prize.

Kennedy Paul accepts awards for Barlass Jerseys LLC. Among the awards was one for lifetime milk production winner, JX Barlass Dazzle Flower.