Meetings 2022 – Highlights
Wisconsin Jersey Breeders Association
Annual Meeting
March 5, 2022 – Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center, Manitowoc
New Officers: Rob Klinkner, Viroqua, president; Jason James, Mineral Point, vice president; Sydney Endres, Lodi, secretary/treasurer; Debbie Ashmore, Boscobel, junior advisor
New Directors-at-Large: Natalie Kessenich, DeForest, and Londa Lauber, Union Grove
New Junior Officers: Ashley Brandel, Lake Mills, president; Katie Brandel, Lake Mills, vice president; Noelle Vos, Maribel, secretary

Parish 7 Director Rodney Hodgson, left, presents the Wisconsin Senior Breeder award to Roger Owens.

Dave Oberreich presents the Wisconsin Jersey Woman of the Year award to his wife, Kelly.

Lost Elm Action Erotica-Twin topped the milk, fat and protein divisions of the lifetime production contest. Accepting awards for Jason Luttropp are Jerome, Hazel and Phyllis Luttrop.

Emma Vos, left, was crowned as the 2022 Wisconsin Jersey Queen and Abbygail Foster was named princess.

Tommy Allen accepts the award for the state's high GJPI cow for 2021, JX Avon Road Got Maid Kathy {6}.

Kennedy Paul, left, won the junior division of the youth achievement contest while Katie Brandel topped the intermediate division.
Senior Member Awards
Wisconsin Senior Jersey Breeder: Roger Owens, Frederic
Wisconsin Junior Jersey Breeder: Sykora Ann Stanek, Reedsburg
Wisconsin Distinguished Service Award: Dr. Kent Weigel, Madison
Wisconsin Jersey Woman of the Year: Kelly Oberreich, Plymouth

The high producing cow for milk, fat, protein and cheese yield was Barlass Regency Greann 3862. Kennedy Paul, Henry Barlass, Sawyer Paul and Jack Barlass receive awards on behalf of Barlass Jerseys LLC, owned by their family.
Production Awards
High Herd Milk and Protein: D & D Jerseys, Donna Phillips and Dan Stock, Newton (23,276 lbs. milk, 1,193 lbs. fat and 864 lbs. protein on 86 cows)
High Herd Fat: Woodmohr Jerseys, Jon and Wendy Schmidt, Bloomer (21,605 lbs. milk, 1,296 lbs. fat and 814 lbs. protein on 18 cows)
Most Improved Herd Milk, Fat and Protein: Schwittay Farms LLC, Jeremy and Monica Schwittay, Peshtigo (up 4,342 lbs. milk, 162 lbs. fat and 290 lbs. protein)
High Cow Milk, Fat, Protein and Cheese Yield: Barlass Regency Breann 3862, Very Good-81%, Barlass Jerseys LLC, Janesville (2-1 294 34,940 6.1% 2,120 3.6% 1272 96DCR 4,399CY)
Lifetime Milk, Fat and Protein: Lost Elm Action Erotica-Twin, Excellent-92%, Jason Luttropp, Berlin (207,044 lbs. milk, 11,325 lbs. fat and 8,347 lbs. protein in 3,196 days)
Junior Member Awards
Wisconsin Jersey Queen: Emma Vos, Maribel
Wisconsin Jersey Princess: Abbygail Foster, Juda
Senior Youth Achievement Contest: Megan Moede, Algoma, winner: Sophie Larson, Reedsburg, runner-up
Intermediate Youth Achievement Contest: Katie Brandel, winner (Jersey calf donated in memory of Ela Hebgen); Lucas Kramer, Wauzeka, runner-up
Junior Youth Achievement Contest: Kennedy Paul, Milton, winner (Jersey calf donated by D&D Jerseys); Tani Riebe, Cumberland, runner-up (show halter, Lois Haeuser Memorial Award)
Scholarships ($250): Alana Artac, Greenwood, Regan Kramer, Wauzeka, Sophie Larson, and Megan Moede
Youth Cost-Sharing Program: Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, and Kaitynn Riebe, Cumberland