Mid-Atlantic Regional Jersey Show
September 17, 2019 - Harrisburg, Pa.
175 head
Judge: Nathan Thomas, North Lewisburg, Ohio
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor—Arethusa Farm, Litchfield, Conn.

Arethusa Premier Ventosa-ET
Grand and Intermediate Champion
Arethusa Farm, Litchfield, Conn.
LLR Tequila Excitement
Reserve Grand and Reserve Intermediate Champion
Glamourview – Iager & Walton and Eaton Holsteins, Walkersville, Md.

Faigle Farm Tequila Tic
Reserve Senior Champion
Blake Crothers, Emerson Hickey and McKenna Vest, Pitcher, N.Y.

Big Guns Andreas Vienna-ET
Junior Champion
Lillian Finke, London, Ohio
Quick Links to Classes
Junior heifer calf (18 shown)
1. HC-Rader Hired Gun Get Away, Shelby M. Rader, Conneaut Lake, Pa.
2. Heart & Soul Fizz Fantasy-ET, Matt Boop and Taylor Wolfe, Millmont, Pa.
3. Rivendale Colton Dahlia-ET, Daniel Yorton, Linkwood, Md.
4. Arethusa Joel Cardi, Arethusa Farm, Litchfield, Conn.
5. Haybail Colton Barbie, Kaitlyn Bedient, Canandaigua, N.Y.

Big Guns Andreas Vienna-ET
1st Intermediate Calf
Lillian Finke, London, Ohio
Intermediate heifer calf (16 shown)
1. Big Guns Andreas Vienna-ET, (S: Sunset Canyon Andreas, D: Big Guns Jamaica Vanilla), Lillian
Finke, London, Ohio, jr. champ.
2. Big Guns Gentry Vegas-ET (S: Rapid Bay Indiana Gentry-ET, D: Big Guns Jamaica Vanilla),
Madison S. Fisher, Newville, Pa., res. jr. champ., best bred and owned heifer overall
3. Maker VIP Peppermint, Patrick Marvin Gourley, Portland, Ore.
4. Gypsy Hill Black Apple Cameo, Claire Hlavaty, Lititz, Pa.
5. Budjon-Vail Jordan C Shaneese-ET, Carly and Rebecca Shaw, Fairplay, Md.

South Mountain Andreas Rascal-ET
2nd Senior Calf
Rodney Rankin, Kim and Dan Ceresna and Phil Deist, McDonald, Pa.
Senior heifer calf (21 shown)
1. Arethusa Showdown Mykonos-ET, Arethusa Farm, Litchfield, Conn.
2. South Mountain Andreas Rascal-ET, Rodney Rankin, Kim and Dan Ceresna and Phil Deist, McDonald, Pa.
3. M-Signature Savannah, Duane T. Cole, Mason Mazzaro, and Landree Fraley, Burghill, Ohio
4. Woodmohr-Townside Sheriff Vision, Chris and Jennifer Hill, Tim and Sharyn Abbott, and Frank and Diane Borba, Thurmont, Md.
5. Liddleridge G.O.A.T-ET, Justin and Claire Burdette, Lindsay Bowen, and Kevin Dobereiner, Mercersburg, Pa.

SVHeaths Tequila Cassie-ET
1st Summer Yearling
Kaitlyn Bedient, Canadaigua, N.Y.
Summer yearling heifer (15 shown)
1. SVHeaths Tequila Cassie-ET, Kaitlyn Bedient
2. Arethusa Reviresco Kassidy, Arethusa Farm
3. C-Cup Fizz Margarita, Landree Fraley, Muncy, Pa.
4. Hillacres Bang Bang Valerie, Caroline Arrowsmith, Peach Bottom, Pa.
5. Terra Rose Gen Ginger-ET, Hannah Heagy, Annville, Pa.
Junior yearling heifer (14 shown)
1. Impression Stormy, Landree Fraley and Dakota Fraley, Muncy, Pa.
2. Drentex Gamechanger Sunbeam, Carly N. Shaw, Fairplay, Md.
3. Savage-Leigh Tris Makayla-P, Chase Logan Savage, Union Bridge, Md.
4. Reich-Dale Tequila Shore, Sabrina Clark, Springville, Pa.
5. Sugar Brook Rhianna-ET, Brooke Calkins, Rome, Pa.
Winter yearling heifer (7 shown)
1. Glamourview Response Kruzer-ET, Glamourview – Iager & Walton, Walkersville, Md.
2. Underground Milkshakes Mai Tai, Mackenzie Reynolds, Corfu, N.Y.
3. Wingerts Roman Daphne, Haley Foster, Cleveland, N.C.
4. Heart & Soul Feliz Navidad-ET, Andrew and Diane Dice, Fredericksburg, Pa.
5. Dunns Pride Gentry Hailey-ET, Dunn's Pride Holsteins, New Ringgold, Pa.

KCJF Andreas Cancun
1st Senior Yearling
Landree Fraley, Muncy, Pa.
Senior yearling heifer (2 shown)
1. KCJF Andreas Cancun, Landree Fraley
2. Reich-Dale Fireman Vitae, Skyler Reichard, Chambersburg, Pa.
Milking yearling (8 shown)
1. Arethusa Premier Virgo-ET, Arethusa Farm
2. Reich-Dale Tequila Show Me-ET, Hayden and Shaylin Reichard, Chambersburg, Pa.
3. Terra Rose Colt Gucci-ET, Grant Michael Yoder, Belleville, Pa.
4. Reich-Dale Tequila Show-Off, Shaylin Reichard, Chambersburg, Pa.
5. Big Guns Andreas Victory-ET, Lillian Finke
Junior 2-year-old cow (18 shown)
1. Sugar Brook Bartender Bridgett, Underground Genetics and Adam Clark, Pitcher, N.Y.
2. Arethusa Impression Vena-ET, Arethusa Farm
3. JNB Colton Fe Fi Fo Fum, Lisa and Cole Schucker and Duane “Ike” Cole, Troy, Pa.
4. Reich-Dale Joel Spot On, Hayden Reichard, Chambersburg, Pa.
5. FVF Premier Shimmer, Mark and Lisa Hansen, Machias, N.Y.

Arethusa Premier Ventosa-ET
1st Senior Two-Year-Old
Arethusa Farm, Litchfield, Conn.

LLR Tequila Excitement
2nd Senior Two-Year-Old
Glamourview – Iager & Walton and Eaton Holsteins, Walkersville, Md.
Senior 2-year-old cow (15 shown)
1. Arethusa Premier Ventosa-ET (S: Hawarden Impuls Premier, D: Arethusa Response Vivid-ET), Arethusa Farm, int. and gr. champ., best bred and owned cow overall
2. LLR Tequila Excitement (S: Tower Vue Prime Tequila-ET, D: Electras Enchantress), Glamourview – Iager & Walton and Eaton Holsteins, Walkersville, Md., res int. and res. gr. champ.
3. Klinedell Excitation Classy, Jacob D. Kline, Myerstown, Pa.
4. Arethusa Premier Skyy-ET, Arethusa Farm
5. Arethusa Impression Krimson-ET, Arethusa Farm

Sugar Brook Joel Jeopardy
2nd Junior Three-Year-Old
Kirsten Feusner, Ulster, Pa.
Junior 3-year-old cow (12 shown)
1. Windrift Premier Sarahs Scent-ET, Tim and Sharyn Abbott and Chris and Jennifer Hill, Enosburg Falls, Vt.
2. Sugar Brook Joel Jeopardy, Kirsten Feusner, Ulster, Pa.
3. Campbell TB Excitation Felicidad, Felicidad Syndicate In c/o Rodney Rankin, Bulger, Pa.
4. Woodmohr Genty Gin-ET, Robert D. Nagel, Clymer, N.Y.
5. Arethusa Apple Spice, Arethusa Farm
Senior 3-year-old cow (5 shown)
1. Arethusa Tequila Valioso, Arethusa Farm
2. Hillacres Getaway Nightstar, Thomas and Amanda Arrowsmith, Peach Bottom, Pa.
3. Arethusa Vintage Tequila-ET, Arethusa Farm
4. SV Excite Holiday-ET, Spring Valley Farm Jerseys, Westminster, Md.
5. N-Joy Cayenne Jubilee, Nathaniel R. Rassau, Enon Valley, Pa.
4-year-old cow (12 shown)
1. Townside Tequila Response R-Twin, (S: Tower Vue Prime Tequila-ET, D: Townside Response Reiko), Rivendale Farms, Bulger, Pa., sr. champ.
2. Minister Gail-ET, Rivendale Farms
3. Arethusa HG Vanguish, Arethusa Farm
4. South-Mont Voltage Kassie, Josh Shedden and Chris Moore, Granville SMT, Pa.
5. Hillacres Velocity Ivy, Caroline and Nicole Arrowsmith, Peach Bottom, Pa.

Faigle Farm Tequila Tic-Twin
1st Five-Year-Old
Blake Crothers, Emerson Hickey and McKenna Vest, Pitcher, N.Y.
5-year-old cow (6 shown)
1. Faigle Farm Tequila Tic-Twin (S: Tower Vue Prime Tequila-ET, D: Faigle Farm Trixie), Blake Crothers, Emerson Hickey and McKenna Vest, Pitcher, N.Y., res. sr. champ.
2. Arethusa Vespera, Arethusa Farm
3. Reich-Dale Simba Salm, Skyler Reichard
4. Arethusa Impression Sunshine-ET, Arethusa Farm
5. Hilacres Gentry Tonic-Twin, Thomas Arrowsmith

Arethusa HG Victoria-ET
1st Aged Cow
Arethusa Farm
Aged cow (5 shown)
1. Arethusa HG Victoria-ET, Arethusa Farm
2. Underground Hollys Hope, Tammie Dunn and Sue Younker, New Ringgold, Pa.
3. Mt Hempfield Luci, Jocelyn Snyder, Greenville, Pa
4. Laurel-Brook C-Gar Jenevieve {6}, Joseph Stitt, Belleville, Pa.
5. Ro-Ann Haven Amelia, Kylie J. Burke, Worthington, Pa.
Lifetime cheese production cow (7 shown)
1. Meadow Winds Sienna, Blake and Kennedy Crothers
Junior best three females (4 shown)
1. Madison Fisher
2. Arethusa Farm
3. Chad Mekel, Woodstown, N.J.
4. Thomas Arrowsmith
Senior best three females (6 shown)
1. Arethusa Farm
2. Reich-Dale Jerseys, Chambersburg, Pa.
3. Spring Valley and Heath Jerseys, Westminster, Md.
4. Thomas Arrowsmith
5. Mark & Lisa Hansen, Machias, N.Y.
Produce of dam (5 shown)
1. Arethusa Farm
2. Arethusa Farm
3. Spring Valley and Heath Jerseys
4. Reich-Dale Jerseys
5. Reich-Dale Jerseys
Exhibitor’s herd (4 shown)
1. Arethusa Farm
2. Thomas Arrowsmith, Peach Bottom, Pa.
3. Reich-Dale Jerseys
4. Joseph Stitt
Dam and daughter (2 shown)
1. Arethusa Farm
2. Joseph Stitt