Shows 2020 – Under 100 Entries
Iowa State Fair Youth Jersey Show
August 7, 2020
12 head
Judge: Dave Cochard, Union, Mo.
• Grand Champion—Edgebrook Konspiracy Madalyn, Dakota Sawyer, Marshalltown, Iowa
• Res. Grand Champion—GCJ Volstead Elegant, Cody Koepke, Denver, Iowa
• Jr. Champion—Hazelbrush Casino Royale, Dakota Sawyer
• Res. Jr. Champion—Hazelbrush Colton Bam Bam, Dakota Sawyer

TE-FAW Harvest Lucky Spot
Grand Champion
Noah Utterback, Jefferson, Md.
Photo by Andrea Haines

Arethusa Money Klarrisa
Junior Champion
Lilah Utterback, Jefferson, Md.
Photo by Andrea Haines
Judge Sean Johnson stands with his class winners of the Maryland Jersey Virtual show
(l to r) Noah Utterback, Lilah Utterback, and Lane Riggleman. Photo by Abby Riggleman
• Sr. and Grand Champion—TE-FAW Havest Lucky Spot, Noah Utterback, Jefferson, Md.
• Res. Sr. and Res. Grand Champion—TE-FAW Valentino Karmel, Noah Utterback
• Jr. Champion—Arethusa Money Klarrisa, Lilah Utterback, Jefferson, Md.
• Res. Jr. Champion—TE-FAW Slim Shady Kandy Sprinkles, Noah Utterback
Information provided by Abby Riggleman, show chair
Spring calves: 1. Burlin JJ Hardy Tiki, Tristan Kiser 2. Hard Core Magician Fancy, Lane Riggleman, 3. Burlin Tequila Tardy to the Party, Cinnah Sinnott, 4. Burlin Ripple n Fizz, Josie Wilhide
Winter calves: 1. Birchlawn Andreas Sanity-P, Noah Utterback, 2. M-Signature Venus Fly Trap, Lane Riggleman, 3. MFW Got Jiggy Magritberry, Amihan Gage, 4.JX MFW Farmfest Evene, Madison Barnes Loveday
Fall Calves: 1. TE-FAW Slim Shady Kandy Sprinkles, Noah Utterback, res. jr. champ., 2. Burlin VIP Harper, Tristan Kiser, 3. OCS Dairy FF Buttercup, Madison Umberger, 4. Locust-Ayr Karbala Sally, Riley Haines, 5. JX MFW Presto Tuesday {5}, Emma Hutson
Summer Yearlings: 1. Arethusa Money Klarissa, Lilah Utterback, jr. champ. 2. Burlin Colton Feta, Tristan Kiser
Spring Yearlings: 1. Burlin Tequila Cake Pop-P, Cinnah Sinnott, 2. Emerald City Colton Clover, Lane Riggleman, 3. Burlin Fizz Talluah, Josie Wilhide, 4. Strawberry Acres Chrome Stella, Claire Minde
Fall yearlings: 1. Lost-Elm Hired Gun Hurricane, Lane Riggleman, 2. TE-FAW Tequila Pip Venom, Lilah Utterback, 3. Beslea An Evening Storm-ET, Marissa Moser Little
Junior 2-year-olds: 1. MD-PCF Mochas Milkshake, Marissa Moser Little, 2. DC Comerica Sasscee, Lilah Utterback, 3. LLR VIP Tabasco of Burlin, Tristan Kiser, 4. Strawberry Acres Colton Starburst, Claire Minde
Senior 2-year-olds: 1. Croosbrook MD-Pride VIP Daysha-ET, Lane Riggleman
4-year-olds: 1. TE-FAW Valentino Karmel, Noah Utterback, res. gr. champ. 2. Zimmandale Comerica Riley, Catherine Savage
5-year-olds: 1. Hillacres Grayson Essence, Lane Riggleman
Aged cows: 1. TE-FAW Harvest Lucky Spot, Noah Utterback, gr. champ.
Virtual showman: Lilah Utterback
Pee-Wee class (participation): Emmah Utterback, Riley Haines, and Oaklyn Smith
Midwest Dairy Congress Jersey Show
September 18, 2020
52 head
Judge: Mandy Bue, Kaukauna, Wis.
• Sr. and Grand Champion—Mi-Wil Chris Cecila, Shannon Keliboeker and Valley Gem Farm, Cumberland, Wis.
• Res. Sr. and Res. Grand Champion—DeMents Grayson Jinglebell, DeMents Jerseys, Kenney, Ill.
• Jr. Champion—CS Viral Embrace-ET, Alexa Albrecht, Fond du Lac, Wis.
• Res. Jr. Champion—Heart & Soul Andreas Flo-ET, Reece Knoploh, Sumner, Iowa

DeMents Grayson Jinglebell
Res. Sr. and Res. Grand Champion
DeMents Jerseys, Kenney, Ill.
Midwest Dairy Congress Junior Jersey Show
September 19, 2020
32 head
Judge: Julie Hemp, Beaverville, Ill.
• Grand Champion—GCJ Volstead Elegant, Cody Keopke, Denver, Iowa
• Res. Grand Champion—Bambi-KCCK Colton Erin, Cole Kruse, Dyersville, Iowa
• Jr. Champion—Schulte Bros Colton Fame-ET, Cole Kruse
• Res. Jr. Champion—Bambi-KCCK Joey Susan

Schlute Bros Colton Fame-ET
Junior Champion
Cole Kruse, Dyersville, Iowa

Bambi-KCCK Joey Susan
Res. Junior Champion
Cole Kruse, Dyersville, Iowa
Northeast All-Breeds Jersey Show
October 15-16, 2020
73 head
Judge: Adam Liddle, Argyle, N.Y.
• Sr. and Grand Champion—Four-Hills Velocity Glorianna, Sarah and Megan Hill, Bristol, Vt.
• Res. Sr. and Res. Grand Champion—Liddleridge Victory-ET, Alex, Cynthia and Maggie LaPRise, Exeter, R.I.
• Int. Champion—LFF Colton Jazzalina, Taylor Alice Lawrence and John Collins, Hampton, Conn.
• Res. Int. Champion—Four-Hills Irwin Glimmer-ET, Megan and Sarah Hill
• Jr. Champion—Four-Hills Joel Baracuda-ET, Megan and Sarah Hill
• Res. Jr. Champion—MM-T Pockets Andreas Glamour-ET, Grace Harrgan, Chateaugay, N.Y.
• Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor—Megan and Sarah Hill

LFF Colton Jazzalina
Intermediate Champion
Taylor Alice Lawrence and John Collins, Hampton, Conn.

Four-Hills Irwin Glimmer-ET
Res. Int. Champion
Megan and Sarah Hill, Bristol, Vt.

Four-Hills Joel Baracuda-ET
Junior Champion
Megan and Sarah Hill, Bristol, Vt.
Northeast All-Breeds Junior Jersey Show
October 15-16, 2020
44 head
Judge: Adam Liddle, Argyle, N.Y.
• Grand Champion—Liddleridge Victory-ET, Alex, Cynthia and Maggie LaPRise, Exeter, R.I.
• Res. Grand Champion—LFF Colton Jazzalina, Taylor Alice Lawrence, Hampton, Conn.
• Jr. Champion—Four-Hills Joel Baracuda-ET, Sarah Hill, Bristol, Vt.
• Res. Jr. Champion—MM-T Pockets Andreas Glamour-ET, Grace Harrgan, Chateaugay, N.Y.

LFF Colton Jazzalina
Reserve Grand Champion
Taylor Alice Lawrence, Hampton, Conn.

Four-Hills Joel Baracuda-ET
Junior Champion
Sarah Hill, Bristol, Vt.