Average Up, Lot Numbers Down for Registered Jerseys at Public Auction
The American Jersey Cattle Association reports a new historical high average for Registered Jerseys sold at public auction in 2022 and reported to the Jersey Journal. The average—$3,318.35—shatters the previous record set in 2015. The average is bolstered by the sale of several elite genomic and show animals and a smaller number of lots—1,571—in the breed average.
When the 10 high selling lots for 2022 are removed from the analysis, the average is closer to previous years at $2,498.56. And while there have always been premium high sellers, this year’s ultra-premium prices coupled with fewer animals impacted the average tremendously.
The statistics also paint a clear picture of the changing face of cattle marketing. In 2004, the average price of Registered Jerseys sold at public auction was $2,007.26, a record for the time. More than 4,600 lots were sold in 49 sales for a gross of nearly $9.4 million. The year’s high seller, SHF Renaissance Frost-ET, sold for $60,000. Jersey Marketing Service had its first year of sales exceeding $10 million. Cattle marketing looks different now thanks to the pandemic, technology, and dairy farms themselves.
Last year, average price was shifted downward by two large commercial sales. This year, a single event, Amplify, moved the average up. The 97 lots sold for an average of $18,74.23 and included the year’s five high sellers. Four sold for over $100,000, including the breed’s new historical high selling bull, JX Vierra TheBoss {6}-ET, who was syndicated for $530,000. The sale hosted by Vierra Dairy of Hilmar, Calif., grossed more than $7.2 million, a mark that ranks top in breed history as well.
Several JMS-managed sales also made their mark in 2022. Genomic lots sold in the All American Jersey Sale, the National Heifer Sale and one of the online genomic offerings, Welcome 2022, accounted for the balance of the year’s 10 high sellers. Each of these sales posted averages over $7,400.
620 | Cows, two years and over | $2,309.10 | $1,431,645 |
9 calves under three months, sold with dam | 630.56 | 5,675 | |
370 | Bred heifers | 1,674.32 | 619,500 |
140 3rd trimester bred heifers | 1,982.86 | 277,600 | |
99 2nd trimester bred heifers | 1,768.69 | 165,100 | |
131 1st trimester bred heifers | 1,273.28 | 166,800 | |
99 | Open yearlings | 3,083.59 | 305,275 |
431 | Heifer calves | 3,887.41 | 1,675,475 |
6 | Bulls | 121,450.00 | 728,700 |
4 | Embryos or flush packages | 875.00 | 3,500 |
16 | Choices of calves | 11,456.25 | 183,300 |
25 | Rights to flush | 10,402.00 | 260,050 |
1,571 | Lots | $3,318.35 | $5,213,120 |
Jersey breeders also found solid offerings in several sales hosted by Jersey breeders, including the Spotlight Selections Sale on April 15 in Dyersville, Iowa, and the Best of Triple T and Heath on May 7 in Circleville, Ohio. The Generations of Excellence Sale was a celebratory event offering from the top of the herd at Silver Springs Farm, owned and operated by the Luchsinger family in Syracuse, N.Y., on July 9.
The 21 public auctions included in the sales analysis were held in the United States during the calendar year 2022 and submitted to the Jersey Journal by February 1, 2023. Only sales reported with complete catalogs and marked with buyers and prices for all animals are included. Sales with fewer than 10 lots are included in the summary, but not ranked among the high-averaging sales. Animals that sold in sales with fewer than 10 head, though, are included in the list of high selling individuals.
High Averaging Sales
The previously mentioned Amplify sale ranks third for average in breed history behind Bovines on the Goal Line ($33,366.67 on 15 lots) in 2017 and Bovines in South Beach ($25,573.53 on 17 lots) the following year. Amplify overtook the K & K Dispersal in 2011 as the highest grossing sale in history with receipts of $1,792,000.

Held on March 5, the sale was managed by Nathan and Jenny Thomas and Michael Heath and cried by Chris Hill. The event included complimentary breakfast and dinner, followed by a free, live concert by Riser House recording artist Dillon Carmichael and country artist Riley Green and their bands after the sale.
“TheBoss {6}” was the #1 G-code bull on sale day and today ranks #2 with a Genomic Jersey Performance Index (GJPI) of +171. He has Genomic Predicting Transmitting Abilities (GPTAs) of +1,086M, +69F (+0.07%), +48P (+0.04%) and +861 for Cheese Merit Dollars (CM$). He is sired by JX Sunset Canyon Got Maid {5}-ET, GJPI +130, and out of Progenesis Madison-ET, a Very Good-88% daughter of JX River Valley Chief {6}-ET, GJPI +155, with an m.e. of 23,242–1,130–864 on her first lactation. “TheBoss {6}” was consigned by the partnership of Vierra Dairy Farms and the Semex Alliance, Guelph, Ont., and will be sampled through Semex.
The second high seller of the sale and the year, Stoney Point Joel Bailey, was purchased by the sale host for $152,000. The Excellent-93% daughter of Guimo Joel-ET, GJPI -114, was consigned by Spatz Cattle Company, Harrisonburg, Va., and hails from the “B” family developed by the Mayer family of Stoney Point Jerseys in Taneytown, Md.
“Bailey” stood second in the five-year-old class at the 2022 International Jersey Show for her new owners and completed a junior four-year-old record of 22,030 lbs. milk, 1,120 lbs. fat and 796 lbs. protein. She joins the Vierra Dairy show string with another member of her family, Stoney Point Impression Blenda, Excellent-96%, who was named All American Lifetime Cheese Production Cow and Reserve Grand Champion of the International Jersey Show for Vierra in 2022.

The third high seller of Amplify was then National Jersey Jug Futurity Winner, Homeridge T Annette, who sold for $105,000 to the Annette Syndicate, comprised of Peter Vail, Budjon Farms, John Cunningham, J. and L. Powers, and Dawson and Kylie Nickels of Lomira, Wis. The daughter of Tower Vue Prime Tequila-ET, GJPI -199, freshened with a heifer calf—Annettes Victorious Miss America—for her new owners in June and was raised to Excellent-92% in August. She was named Supreme Champion of the junior show at World Dairy Expo for Kylie in October.
“Annette’s” show resume also includes Intermediate Champion of the All American Jersey Show and Reserve Supreme Champion of the junior show at World Dairy Expo in 2021. She was consigned by the partnership of K. and D. Nickels, T. Freson, M. Sell, and S. Stanford, Watertown, Wis.
Another young bull, Vierra Sting-ET, was the fourth high seller of Amplify and the year. The August 2021 son of River Valley Joyride-ET, GJPI -25, was syndicated for $100,000. He was consigned by Vierra Dairy and will be sampled through the Semex Alliance. He is out of Bri-Lin Valson Spritz, Excellent-96%, two-time Grand Champion of the International Jersey Show. She has also been tapped Grand Champion of the Jersey Event and Reserve Grand Champion of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.

An up-and-coming show cow, Rivendale VIP Eloise, was the fifth high seller of the sale and year at $90,000. She also joined the show string at Vierra Dairy Farm when the sale host bought out partners Steven Wetmore, Michael Heath and Kelly Barbee to retain full ownership. Sired by River Valley VIP Venus-ET, GJPI -131, she freshened in May and was raised to Excellent-91% in June. “Eloise” was recently named Grand Champion of the International Jersey Show in October and National Grand Champion and Junior All American Three-Year-Old in November. In 2021, she also topped her classes as a junior two-year-old at The Jersey Event, the International Jersey Show and the All American Jersey Show.

The second high averaging sale was the National Heifer Sale, mentioned earlier. The JMS-managed sale auctioned 27 lots for an average of $7,537.04 and a gross of $203,500. The event was again conducted virtually in conjunction with the annual meeting of the national Jersey organizations in Portland, Ore. The sale was hosted by Forest Glen Jerseys of Dayton, Ore., at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville on June 25. Chris Hill was the auctioneer for the 65th sale of the series, which generated $20,350 for national youth programs.
The high seller, Cal-Mart Juggernaut Winnie 2666-P-ET, sold to Vierra Dairy Farms and the Semex Alliance for $48,500. The high-component daughter of Sun Valley ABS Juggernaut {6}, GJPI +146, celebrated her first birthday this past December. She has GPTAs of +77M, +58F (+0.25%) and +31P (+0.13%). She is plus for the fertility traits of Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR), Cow Conception Rate (CCR) and Heifer Conception Rate (HCR) and +1.6 for Type.
“Winnie 2666-P” was consigned by Martin Dairy LLC, Tillamook, Ore., as was the second high seller, rights to an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) session with Cal-Mart Westport Jenica 955 {6}-ET. Peak Genetics, Watertown, Wis., purchased the lot, which was the first of its kind for the National Heifer Sale, for $30,000. “Jenica 955 {6}” was the #1 cow for GJPI on sale day and today ranks #2 with an index of +173. Sired by JX Cal-Mart Westport {5}-ET, GJPI +135, she has GPTAs of +830M, +68F and +47P. She is +1.7 for DPR, +1.4 for CCR and +2.3 for HCR. She is backed by seven Very Good or Excellent dams with m.e. averages above 21,000 lbs. milk.
The third high averaging sale and fourth high grossing sale for 2022 was the All American Jersey Sale. The 47 lots of Registered Jersey females and two young bulls sold for an average of $7,421.43 and a gross of $363,650. Held on November 5 in Louisville, Ky., the sale was managed by JMS and cried by Chris Hill.

A new record for series high-selling female was established when JX FB Sugar Daddy All American {6} was struck off for $75,000 to Vierra Dairy and the Semex Alliance. The daughter of Kash-In Sugar Daddy-ET, GJPI +137, ranks #106 among all genotyped females with a GJPI of +166. She has GPTAs of +1,722M, +56F and +59P and is plus for DPR, CCR and HCR. She is out of a daughter of JX CDF JLS Pilgrim Thrasher {6}-ET, GJPI +173, that ranks #38 among genotyped females with a GJPI of +172. “All American {6}” was consigned by Faria Dairy of Dumas, Texas.
“All American {6}” broke the previous record held by another Faria-bred consignment, JX Faria Brothers Marlo Scary Terry {4}-ET, who sold for $60,000 in 2018 to Sexing Technologies, Navasota, Texas.
The second high seller of the All American was Dupat Fearnot-ET, a young bull syndicated by a group of 38 Jersey breeders and Select Sires Inc. of Plain City, Ohio, for $63,200. An outcross, he is sired by ISDK VJ Kjoelb Gislev Gutz, GJPI +132, and has GPTAs of +710M, +68F (+0.15%) and +37P (+0.05%) and a Genomic Future Inbreeding index of +6.4%. He is plus for CCR and HCR. “Fearnot” is out of an Excellent-93% daughter of Hi-Land Paul Fearless, GJPI +83, with 23,990 lbs. milk, 1,206 lbs. fat and 887 lbs. protein at 4-7. She has 69 registered progeny to date, many ranked on the top genetic lists. “Fearnot” was consigned by Wickstrom Jersey Farms Inc., Hilmar, Calif.
Rounding out the top five high averaging sales are the previously mentioned Best of Triple T and Heath and Spotlight Selections Sales. The Best of Triple T and Heath sold 86 lots for an average of $6,519.77 and a gross of $560,700, which is third high for the year. Joining forces once again post Amplify were sale managers Nathan and Jenny Thomas and Michael Heath and auctioneer Chris Hill.
Select Sires purchased the high seller, rights to the next IVF session for JX Ahlem Chief Harmony 60643 {5}, for $31,000. She hails from the “Harmony” cow family developed by consignor Ahlem Farms Partnership of Hilmar, Calif. The “Chief {6}” daughter ranked #3 in the breed for CM$ and #5 for GJPI on sale day. Today she ranks among the top 1.5% for genetic merit with a GJPI of +160. She has GPTAs of +1,023M, +83F (+0.15%) and +41P (+0.02%) and is +808 for CM$.
The Spotlight Selections Sale, managed by Generation Next Boarding and HammerTime, struck off 22 Jersey lots for an average of $5,745.45 and a gross of $126,400. Cried by Ryan Krohlow of HammerTime, the event auctioned lots representing five dairy breeds.
The partnership of Franchise Kind, Entourage LLC, and Michael Heath, Ashville, Ohio, purchased the high seller, Miss Magical Jolene, for $10,000. The summer yearling sired by KCJF Hired Magician, GJPI -140, is out of Smokin Hot Joel LePage, Excellent-92-%, Intermediate Champion of the 2020 All American Junior Jersey Show. She was consigned by Austin Nauman and Rick Heslinga, Marshfield, Wis.
Other High Sellers
The seventh high selling lot of 2022 was the high seller of the Welcome to 2022 Genomics Sale, conducted virtually on January 20. Selling as a choice, Select Sires chose TLJ Sugar Daddy L Beauty 2786 over one of her paternal sisters with a successful bid of $70,250, a record price for an online sale conducted by JMS. The August 2021 “Sugar Daddy” daughter ranked #1 for Productive Life (PL) on sale day. Today she is +8.5 for PL and has GPTAs of +594M, +43F (+0.07%) and +35P (+0.06%). She is +1.2 for Type and +5.74 for Health Trait Index (HTI) and ranks among the top 1.5% for GJPI with an index of +147.
The dam of “Beauty 2786” is an Excellent-91% daughter of Hillview Listowel-P, GJPI +125, with a three lactation m.e. average of 25,219–1,077–851. On sale day, three generations of the cow family ranked for genetic merit.
“Beauty 2786” was consigned by Travis Lehneretz, Plainview, Minn.
The ninth high selling lot was struck off at Amplify. Initially cataloged as a choice, the buyer, ABS Global Inc., De Forest, Wis., chose both heifers—Jer-Z-Boyz Tucker 80303-ET and Jer-Z-Boyz Tucker 80320-ET—for $56,000. The daughters of Rowleys 1996 Daniel Tucker {6}-ET, GJPI +151, both ranked among the top 50 females for CM$ on sale day and tested A2A2 for beta casein and BB for kappa casein. “Tucker 80303” has GPTAs of +412M, +61F and +42P and is plus for components, DPR, CCR, HCR and HTI. She ranks #140 among all genotyped females with a GJPI of +165. “Tucker 80320” has GPTAs of +825M, +80F and +52P and ranks among the top 1.5% with a GJPI of +155. Both heifers were consigned by Jer-Z-Boyz, Pixley, Calif.

Payneside Mavi Grilled Cheese, the high seller of the New York Next Generation Sale, was the 11th high selling individual at $38,000. She also became the series high seller when she was struck off on May 21 at the Genesee County Fairgrounds in Batavia, N.Y. She was purchased by Kash-In Jerseys, Tulare, Calif., and consigned by Jamie Black, Batavia. The Very Good-88% senior two-year-old is sired by Ahlem Valentino Maui 21838, GJPI -33. She was Honorable Mention Grand Champion of the New York Spring Carousel in 2022. She is a maternal sister to Payneside Mac N Cheese, the highest selling Jersey female at public auction. “Mac N Cheese” sold for $267,000 in the Best of Triple T and Heath sale in 2015.
Metcalf Tucker Double Dare-ET was one of two lots to sell for the 12th high price of the year: $34,000. He is the other young bull that was syndicated in the All American Jersey Sale by a group of 22 Jersey breeders and the Semex Alliance. The young “Tucker {6}” son was consigned by Corey Metcalf, Glacier Edge Dairy, Milton, Wis. He has yield GPTAs of +605M, +59F (+0.14%) and +32P (+0.04%). He is plus for DPR, CCR and HCR, +2.27 for HTI and tested A2A2 for beta-casein. “Double Dare” has a GJPI of +155 and is out of a Very Good-82% daughter of JX Kash-In Got Jiggy {6}-ET, GJPI +122, that ranks for genetic merit with a GJPI of +126.
JX Legacy Archie 31600 {6}-ET was the other lot to sell for $34,000. The genomic standout crossed the auction block at Amplify. She was consigned by Legacy Ranch, Tipton, Calif., and purchased by Sexing Technologies. On sale day, the daughter of JX Jer Bel Maldini Archie {5}-ET, GJPI +101, ranked #2 for CM$ and GJPI among her paternal sisters. She tested A2A2 and BB and has GPTAs of +2,000M, +75F and +60P. She is +1.6 for Type and ranks among the top 1.5% for GJPI with an index of +150. She is from the same cow family as three bulls to be syndicated at the All American: Jars of Clay Barnabas, Jars of Clay Boaz-ET, and Kash-In Slugger-P.
High Sellers by Category
Many of the year’s high sellers by category—heifer calves, open yearlings, bred heifers, cows, bulls, choices, and rights—have been previously mentioned.
Both the high selling open yearling, Roc-N-Roll BillieJean, and the high selling bred heifer, GMBV Joel Dazzle-ET, were offered in Amplify.
Consignors Kristy Ellsworth and Madeline Decker, Mount Morris, N.Y., sold “BillieJean” to sale host Vierra Dairy for $18,000. The daughter of Mr Kathies Kid Rock, GJPI -154, was Junior Champion of the New Jersey State Fair and topped the spring calf class at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Jersey Show in 2021. She was named All American Spring Yearling at the 2022 All American Jersey Show for Vierra. She is out of Trippacres Hired Guns Barbie, Excellent-91%. The next dam is Excellent-92%.
The partnership of Duckett Holsteins and Tim and Sharyn Abbott placed the final bid of $15,500 on “Dazzle” to bring her home to Rudolph, Wis. The daughter of Guimo Joel-ET, GJPI -114, sold due to sexed “Kid Rock” in June. She hails from the “Déjà vu” branch of the “Veronica” cow family. Her dam, Ratliff Colton Diza-ET, Excellent-92%, is a maternal sister to Ratliff Impression Donner-ET, Excellent-93%, Reserve Winner of the 2017 National Jersey Jug Futurity. “Dazzle” was consigned by Grant, Rosa and Bobby Ahlem, Hilmar, Calif.
High Grossing Sales
Three of the five high grossing sales have been mentioned previously: Amplify, Best of Triple T and Heath, and the All American Jersey Sale.
The second high grossing sale of the year was the year’s last public offering of Registered Jerseys: the Celebration of Brentwood Farms. The dispersal, held December 12-13 at the farm in Orland, Calif., was managed by JMS. In all, 594 lots were sold for an average of $1,213.29 and gross receipts of $720,695. With the passing of herd owner, Bob Bignami, in August, his wife, Pam, and their daughters, Wendy, Cheryl, Alane, and Laurie, offered the herd at public auction.
Pacific Edge Syndicate of Cloverdale, Ore., purchased the high seller, JX BW Chrome Olivia E601 {6}, for $5,500. Sired by River Valley Cece Chrome-ET, GJPI +43, she is backed by an Excellent-90% daughter of Sunset Canyon Mirror-ET, GJPI +50, with a top record of 24,850 lbs. milk, 1,244 lbs. fat and 929 lbs. protein.
The fifth high grossing sale was the Golden Plains Cow and Bred Heifer Sale. At the JMS-managed sale, 204 lots were struck off for an average of $1,443.01 and a gross of $294,375. The offering of primarily milking cows and close-up springers was held on April 22 at the farm in Hutchinson, Kan. JX Golden Plains Janell {6} was the high seller, purchased by JJC Jerseys, Beaver Crossing, Neb., for $2,600. Sired by “Barnabas,” she sold due to sexed “Sugar Daddy” in December. For her new owner she was raised to Very Good-87% and completed a senior three-year-old record of 22,650 lbs. milk, 851 lbs. fat and 777 lbs. protein.
For complete coverage, including listings of the high sellers for the year, read the February issue of the Jersey Journal.