Enhancing the Lives of the Next Generation
Bridge the gap is a common phrase used to motivate agriculturists to continue telling their stories to consumers and lawmakers. In May 2022, the Jersey Youth Academy enhancement program gave two distinguished Jersey youth an opportunity to bridge the agricultural knowledge gap with political leaders in Washington D.C.
In an experience organized and hosted by Charlie Garrison, president of the Garrison Group LLC, Miriam Cook, Pewamo, Mich., and Gracie Krahn, Albany, Ore., represented the Queen of Quality and dairy farms across America for two days in the nation’s capital.
These two young adults met multiple political leaders from the House and Senate Agriculture Committees to learn about their efforts to prepare for the new Farm Bill due in 2023, including the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program, potential changes to milk pricing in Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO), nutrition assistance, conservation programs and what is expected to be a focus on climate change—a first for the once-every-five-years agriculture policy legislation.

The duo was also able to meet Roger Cryan, chief economist for the American Farm Bureau Federation and visit with staff from the National Milk Producers Federation to learn more about their initiatives and the Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) program.
“Throughout all our meetings with the different individuals there was truly one overarching theme and that was they wanted to hear our personal farming story,” said Cook, senior at Purdue University. “While politics is a large world, it felt a little smaller those couple days, shifting my whole view due to those personal interactions.”
As for Gracie Krahn, a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she left refueled with passion for the agriculture industry, specifically for America’s Jersey dairy farmers.
“After spending time in Washington D.C. with Mr. Garrison, my passion for agricultural advocacy increased 10-fold,” said Krahn. “I returned home with a reinspired attitude to make a difference and to make a change, for the better. Whether at our Nation’s Capital, at the state legislature, or on a local level, I am inspired to bridge the gap between farmers and the law makers, and to be a voice for the dairy industry across the country.”

“A trip to Washington, D.C. to talk about dairy policy is an opportunity to put real-life experience on the farm to use in explaining the impacts various government programs have on dairy farm families and their operations,” said Garrison about having a face in Washington. “Gracie and Miriam made the most of that opportunity to learn about the policy process and to advocate for Jersey dairy farmers.”
“As I look to my future I now know that my background gives me the chance to be a strong, honest voice for the whole of agriculture,” summed Cook. “I plan to pursue a career where I can make a difference for farmers. I want to help be a part of the movement that helps keep farms profitable and sustainable for generations to come. Legislation may be where that work lies.”
How It All Began
Garrison first met Cook and Krahn while speaking to Class VII of Jersey Youth Academy in July 2021. Little did the three know that less than one year later, they would be interacting once again as part of a new phase of Academy.
Robert and Pam Bignami of Brentwood Farms, Orland, Calif., had an added bonus for Class VII. In 2020 at The All American Jersey Sale, the couple donated $60,000 from the proceeds of BW Graduate-ET to enhance the National Jersey Youth Development programs of the AJCA. They set aside $40,000 to establish the Brentwood Farms Scholarship (beginning in 2022) and another $20,000 to enhance the experience
Jersey Youth Academy classes. Their hope, to change the lives of some of the brightest youth in the dairy industry.

From Class VII, nine class members were selected by an anonymous committee for a part of the Jersey Youth Academy Enhancement program. This trip was the first of six different programs selected.
In June four alumni attended the annual meetings of the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc., in Portland, Ore.,—Ali Bowman, Glencoe, Okla., Barry Nadon, West Brookfield, Mass., Addie Raber, Gridley, Ill., and Gabriella Rockwell, Scenery Hill, Pa.
Tyler Seals, Tillamook, Ore., attended World Dairy Expo in October as part of the enhancement program.
Grace Stroud, Myerstown, Pa., will be attending International Dairy Week in Australia in January 2023. Keenan Thygesen, Tunbridge, Vt., will be attending auctioneer school in the summer of 2023.
“Additionally, I cannot thank the donors enough that made it possible for this opportunity to become reality,” said Cook. “We are forever grateful for those that believe in young agriculturalists. It is supporters of these Jersey programs that encourage me to work to find a position where I can empower and give back to youth of the future to ensure a bright future of our industry.”

Jersey Youth Academy is recognized by the International Revenue Service as a tax-exempt private educational foundation under section 501(c)(3). Contributions represent a broad spectrum of Jersey breeder and dairy industry support and can be made at any time by contacting the association office at 614/861-3636.
Class VIII of Jersey Youth Academy will be held in July 2023. The application period closes on December 1, 2022.
Story written by Kaila Tauchen, freelance writer for Jersey Journal.