National Heifer Sale Planning Underway
Jersey Marketing Service (JMS) Manager Greg Lavan recently visited Tillamook, Ore., to begin preparations for the 2020 National Heifer Sale. To be held June 27 at Forest Glen Jerseys, dinner will be served at 5:00 p.m. with the sale consisting of Registered Jersey heifers beginning promptly at 6:00 p.m.
Each year, the process is similar with the JMS manager traveling to meet with the sale chairs and, if applicable, the host site or farm where the sale will take place. This year, the sale chairs, Allen Berry, Sherwood, and Curtis Gomes, Tillamook, met with Lavan to discuss their duties and responsibilities as sale chairs, as well as the expectations they have for JMS in return. These individuals, along with the AJCA-NAJ area representatives, will work together with JMS to find the nation’s best heifers for this sale.
In addition to the animals, the group also goes over what is needed at the host facility. Jamie Bansen of Forest Glen worked with Lavan to determine where in the facility animals will be located, what supplies JMS needs to supply, as well as the logistics needed for things such as water and electricity. As of most recent planning, the sale is slated have both virtual and live lots, based on the consignor’s discretion. Virtual lots will have videos of the consignments playing during their respective slot during the sale.
Have a potential National Heifer Sale Consignment?
When talking about what they look for in a consignment, JMS Manager Lavan stated, “We are looking for everyone’s best for this sale. We want to get people to be involved in the event, especially those in the state.” That being said, animals with unique pedigrees, high genomic data or high type show animals are the type of animals that the National Heifer Sale specializes in.
If you think have heifers who may fit this criteria, give Greg a call at 614/216-8838 or contact your local area representative.
*THROWBACK – This post image is from the National Heifer Sale held in 2010 during the AJCA-NAJ Annual Meetings in Oregon!