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New Districts in Effect for 2025 AJCA Election

Our organizations have two tremendous assets. First is the Jersey cow as a profitable producer with the longest productive life in the business today. Second is the reputation our organizations have. As I converse with breeders and industry personnel, I hear over and over, “Jersey has great programs. Jersey has the best customer service. We really enjoy working with the Jersey association.”

Building on these assets is the role of your elected leadership, the people who serve as Directors and Presidents of the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc. Perhaps you, or a person you know, should become a candidate for one of these positions.


Executive Secretary, Neal Smith
Governance Structure

The American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) and National All-Jersey Inc. (NAJ) are each governed by a Board of Directors. The AJCA Board consists of a President and 12 Directors. The responsibilities of the Board include establishing Association policies and programs, setting fees, authorizing expenditures, hiring the Executive Secretary and Treasurer, and being responsible for the overall well-being of the Association.

The active members of the Association elect the President and Directors. A member is considered active when he or she has registered or had transferred to his or her ownership a Jersey animal within the past two years.

The NAJ Board is composed of 11 Directors. Five Directors are elected by the voting members in the District they represent, three Directors are appointed by the AJCA Board, and there are three ex-officio Directors. The ex-officio Directors are the AJCA President and chairs of the AJCA Finance and Development committees. The President is elected from the Board by the Directors. The responsibilities of the NAJ Board are similar to the AJCA Board.



What are the qualifications, nomination and election procedures to be President or a Director? The AJCA Constitution states, “Each Director including the President shall be an active member of the Association who is actively engaged in ownership or management of a recognizable Jersey herd.” In addition, each Director must be a resident of the District from which elected. The NAJ Constitution states that Directors shall be “members of the American Jersey Cattle Association and who are producer or honorary members of National All-Jersey Inc. …” The elected NAJ Directors must reside in the District they represent.

The following are other qualities and considerations for potential President and Director candidates.

Leadership.  The Presidents and Directors are the elected leaders of the Jersey organizations.
Financial Responsibility. The AJCA Board of Directors manages an annual budget of about $3.6 million. The NAJ Board manages an annual operating budget of approximately $1 million and cattle sales of $3 million. Combined net assets of the USJersey organizations is approximately $4 million. The Boards determine the fees for their respective organizations’ services and how all funds will be used. All programs for the improvement and expansion of the breed depend upon the financial well-being of each organization. The Presidents and Directors should be good business and financial managers.
Time. The Presidents and Directors soon discover their responsibilities take more time than originally anticipated. The Boards have regular sessions in March, June, and November of each year. The Presidents and Directors will attend state and regional meetings and sales, and represent their organizations at other dairy functions. The Presidents and Directors must be willing to spend time reading and studying various materials and talking with fellow members and others in the dairy industry in order to make informed and intelligent decisions. They spend weeks—not days—on AJCA and NAJ business every year.
Responsiveness. The Presidents and Directors must be willing to listen to the concerns of every breeder of Jersey cattle and producer of Jersey milk, then faithfully pass those concerns on to the Boards and management.
National Perspective. Even though a Director is nominated from a particular area or District of the country, they need to be mindful that actions must be made in the best interests of the entire Jersey membership, not just the interests of their particular District.
Professionalism. The Presidents and Directors must sort through the facts and fallacies in all arguments. Not all suggestions heard are in the best interest of the Jersey organizations. They must reach a decision, then be able to defend it. If they disagree with the majority vote of the Board, they must be able to abide by and support the decisions of the majority.
Loyalty. The Presidents and Directors are ambassadors for the Jersey breed. They need to present a positive image of the Jersey breed, the owners of Jersey cattle, and the organizations.
AJCA Nominations

Beginning in 2025, the AJCA districts and director elections will take on a new look. The transition to the new structure will be a four year process, beginning in June 2025 at the annual meeting of the AJCA.

A person meeting the constitutional qualifications can be nominated for either AJCA President or Director. Nominations for President must be made by petition signed by any 30 active members of the Association. Nominations for Director must be made by petition signed by 20 active members residing in the District for which the person seeks to serve as Director. Petitions can be obtained by writing or calling the Executive Secretary. The petitions must be received by the Executive Secretary no later than 65 days in advance of the Annual Meeting. The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 28. Therefore, nominating petitions for this year’s election for President or Director must be received by the Executive Secretary on or before April 24, 2025.

Terms and Voting. The President is elected for a one-year term at each Annual Meeting. There is no limit on the number of terms a President may serve. Three Directors are elected at each Annual Meeting for a term of four years. A Director can serve two consecutive terms. A former Director is then eligible to serve another term one year after completion of two consecutive terms. If appointed or elected to fill an unexpired Director term, the person shall be eligible for election to serve two, four-year terms after the unexpired term is completed.

Voting for President and Directors is by ballot only. All active members of the AJCA, 50 days prior to the Annual Meeting, are eligible to vote. They receive a ballot by mail. The candidate for each position receiving the plurality of votes is elected.

Director Districts. The United States is divided into three (3) Districts. The District boundaries are drawn in geographic regions to provide equal representation based on number of members and participation in AJCA programs. The three Districts are:

  • First District: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
  • Second District: Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
  • Third District: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington.

A director from each district will be elected each year.


2025 AJCA Elections
At the 2025 Annual Meeting, elections will be held for President and three Directors.

Current President Alan Chittenden’s one-year term expires at the next Annual Meeting and he is eligible to seek re-election.

The Directors and their current districts whose terms expire at the 2025 Annual Meeting are: Joel Albright, Willard, Ohio, Fourth District; Donna Phillips, Newton, Wis., Seventh District; Garry Hansen, Mulino, Ore., Tenth District; and Tyler Boyd, Hilmar, Calif., Twelfth District.All four directors (Albright, Phillips, Hansen, and Boyd) have served two consecutive terms and are not eligible to succeed themselves. Due to realignment of the districts, a director maybe appointed for an extra year during the transition period.

The following summarizes the 2025 AJCA elections:

  • Election for the President;
  • A director from the First District;
  • A director from the Second District; and
  • A director from the Third District.


NAJ Director Nominations
A person meeting the constitutional qualifications can be nominated for one of the five elected NAJ Directors. Nominations for Director must be made by petition signed by 10 voting members residing in the District for which the person seeks to serve as Director. Petitions can be obtained by writing or calling the Executive Secretary. The petitions must be received by the Executive Secretary no later than 60 days in advance of the Annual Meeting. The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, June 27. Therefore, nominating petitions for next year’s election for Director must be received by the Executive Secretary on or before April 28, 2025.
Terms and Voting. Directors are elected or appointed at the Annual Meeting for a term of four years. There are no term limits. Voting for the elected Directors is by ballot only. All eligible members of NAJ residing in the District for which a Director election is being held, 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting, are eligible to vote. They receive a ballot by mail. The candidate for each position receiving the plurality of votes is elected. The three Directors appointed by the AJCA Board are appointed for a term of four years. The ex-officio members’ terms on the NAJ Board coincide with their AJCA positions.
Director Districts. For the elected Director positions, the United States is divided into five Districts. The District boundaries are drawn in geographic regions based on revenue. District lines are drawn to keep all Districts with close to the same amount of revenue. The five Districts are:
  • District 1: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
  • District 2: California, Hawaii
  • District 3: Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
  • District 4: Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin
  • District 5: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia
2025 NAJ Elections

At the 2025 NAJ Annual Meeting, two Directors, each with a four-year term, will be elected. The elected Directors whose terms expire are Rogelio “Roger” Herrera, Hilmar, Calif., District 2, and John Kokoski, Hadley, Mass., District 3. Both are eligible to succeed themselves.
Another Director, with a four-year term, will be appointed. The appointed Director whose term expires is Sam Bok, Defiance, Ohio, District 7 at large.

If you have questions regarding the election of the AJCA and NAJ Boards, please do not hesitate to contact me. We encourage all AJCA and NAJ active members to consider seeking these positions. The Jersey organizations have been blessed with outstanding leadership. For that tradition to continue, we need willing and qualified candidates to serve.