Premium Genetics Bring Sales Average Up for Jersey Breed in 2023
In 2023, the prices for Registered Jerseys sold at public auctions fell in line with recent trends. Based on sales reported to the Jersey Journal, the American Jersey Cattle Association reports a new historical high breed average of $4,009.86 on 938 head. Though the average shatters the previous record from 2022, it is skewed by the sale of several elite animals. The median of $2,000 is a more realistic assessment of prices paid at public auction.
As well, a significantly smaller group of animals were sold at public auction in 2023, down more than 550 head from the previous year. This, coupled with premium prices for a handful of animals, contributed to the higher average price.
The statistics also document a rapidly changing environment for cattle marketing. Today, the popular commercial sales of years past have essentially disappeared. During 2023, just one volume sale managed by Jersey Marketing Service (JMS) offered Registered Jerseys in quantities close to years past. As industry dynamics change, including the way commercial dairy producers purchase replacements, the volume sale format is less popular than it was just five years ago.
157 | Cows, two years and over | $4,456.53 | $699,675 |
9 calves under three months, sold with dam | 491.67 | 4,425 | |
262 | Bred heifers | 2,443.61 | 640,225 |
151 3rd trimester bred heifers | 2,062.32 | 305,975 | |
49 2nd trimester bred heifers | 2,159,69 | 105,825 | |
62 1st trimester bred heifers | 3,684.27 | 228,425 | |
78 | Open yearlings | 3,430.45 | 267,575 |
375 | Heifer calves | 4,531.20 | 1,699,200 |
1 | Bull | 63,600 | 63,600 |
14 | Embryos or flush packages | 2,307.14 | 32,300 |
24 | Choices of calves | 7,360.42 | 176,650 |
27 | Rights to flush | 6,577.78 | 177,600 |
938 | Lots | $4,009.85 | $3,761,250 |
The balance of inventory and demand for replacement is also being equalized as producers better manage replacement needs using sexed semen and capitalize on attractive cull cow prices and a thriving market for beef on dairy genetics. Soaring interest rates, high feed costs and low milk prices cause producers to think hard about every replacement raised or purchased. Locale is a major factor in price and demand as well. Large numbers of dairy cows continue to head to Idaho, Kansas, Texas and South Dakota as processing plants are constructed and the business environment is deemed more favorable here than in other parts of the country.
Though fewer commercial sales are being held, niche markets for specialty genetics continue to thrive. Twenty-five lots sold for $20,000 or more during 2023, most through three sales managed by cattle breeders—the Best of Triple T and Heath, Decades of Dupat and South Mountain Spotlight—or the Jersey breed’s preeminent sales, the All American Jersey Sale and the National Heifer Sale. Several Jersey breeders found success with events that featured their genetics and those of guest consignors, including the Post Time at Ratliff’s IV, with an average of $2,813.27 on 98 lots, and the Spring Spotlight at Kilgus Tag Sale II, with an average of $2,514.89 on 47 lots.

Today, premium genetics tend to fall into the category of either “genomics” or “high type,” and sale managers often catalog both to attract buyers. Among the top 20 prices paid in 2023, there was an equal balance of elite genomics and fancy show cows. Genetics companies capitalized on the opportunity to purchase top genetics in a public offering. Jersey breeders made purchases to round out their show strings or to develop genetics from well-known cow families in their own herds.
The 19 public auctions included in the sales analysis were held in the United States during the calendar year 2023 and submitted to the Jersey Journal by January 1, 2024. Only sales reported with complete catalogs and marked with buyers and prices for all animals are included. Sales with fewer than 10 lots are included in the summary, but not ranked among the high-averaging sales. Animals that sold in sales with fewer than 10 head, though, are included in the list of high-selling individuals.
High-Averaging and Grossing Sale
The previously mentioned Decades of Dupat sale was the high-averaging and grossing sale of 2023. The Wickstrom family of Hilmar, Calif., hosted the sale to celebrate 50 years of breeding Registered Jerseys. In all, 99 Jersey lots sold for an average of $10,829.29 and a gross of $1,072,100.
The two-day event held March 4-5 at the farm was managed by Nathan and Jenny Thomas and the late Michael Heath. Decades of Dupat was among the last sales to be orchestrated by Heath before his untimely passing on March 23. Chris Hill was the auctioneer and Norm Nabholz read pedigrees. The lineup included consignments from Wickstrom Jersey Farms Inc., Kash-In Holsteins and Jerseys of Tulare, Calif., and other guest consignors. Genomic lots were coordinated by Brad Barham of Redland Genetics.
Seven of the 20 high-selling individuals for 2023 were struck off at the venue, including the high-selling individual, Dupat Monster 26455-P-ET. She was purchased by ABS Global Inc., de Forest, Wis., for $110,000, and consigned by Wickstrom Jersey Farms. The daughter of Four J Monster {6}-P-ET, GJPI +184, was the breed’s #1 polled female for GJPI and Cheese Merit Dollars (CM$) on sale day. Today she has a GJPI of +168 and is +826 for CM$. She has Genomic Predicted Transmitting Abilities (GPTAs) of +1,316M, +78F (+0.06%) and +50P (+0.01%). “Monster 26455-P” is backed by eight Very Good or Excellent dams.
A pair of other high genomic heifer calves that were purchased by Select Sires and Semex of Plain City, Ohio, at Decades of Dupat were the second and third high-selling individuals. Kash-In Happy New Year-ET, a 2023 New Year’s Day baby, sold for $90,000. The high-component daughter of Ahem Gifted Geppetto {6}-ET, GJPI +149, ranked #2 for CM$ on sale day and #12 for GJPI. She currently ranks #159 for genetic merit with a GJPI of +199. She has GPTAs of +1,077M, +75F (+0.10%) and +50P (+0.05%). She is +879 for CM$, +0.7 for Cow Conception Rate (CCR) and +1.4 for Heifer Conception Rate (HCR). “New Year” was consigned by Kash-In Jerseys.
JX Jer-Z-Boyz Moore Mae 83892 {6}-P-ET sold for $80,000. The December 2022 daughter of DG Bar Maid Moore-ET, GJPI +139, is currently the breed’s #13 polled female with a GJPI of +199. She is plus for CCR, HCR and Daughter Pregnancy Rate and is +848 for CM$. “Mae 83892 {6}-P” is a potential seventh-generation Very Good or Excellent. She was consigned by Jer-Z-Boyz Ranch, Pixley, Calif.

Another individual that sold in Hilmar and ranks on the list of the year’s 20 high sellers is Budjon-Vail Jordan C Shaneese-ET. Kash-In Jerseys placed the final bid of $51,000 on “Shaneese” to buy out partners Carly and Rebecca Shaw and retain sole ownership. The daughter of Chilli Action Colton-ET, GJPI -75, is the Winner of the 2022 National Jersey Jug Futurity. She was Reserve Intermediate Champion of the International Jersey Show in 2022 and All American Winter Calf in 2019.
“Shaneese” completed a 3-4 lactation of 25,610 lbs. milk, 1,258 lbs. fat and 999 lbs. protein and was raised to Excellent-93% in October 2023. Ownership of “Shaneese” now includes the Kasbergen grandchildren—Kamryn, Kate and Colt. Kamryn showed “Shaneese” at the International Junior Jersey Show in October, where she topped her class as a four-year-old, and at the All American Junior Jersey Show in November, where stood fifth. “Shaneese” is out of Shulte Bros Tequila Shot-ET, Excellent-95%, a two-time All-Canadian.
Three other genomic lots sold through Decades of Dupat also rank on the list of the year’s 20 high sellers. Select Sires partnered with Jerseyland Sires to purchase the year’s ninth high-selling lot for $40,000. Selling as a choice of two full sisters, the genetics companies chose Dupat Jalapeno 26678-ET. The November 2022 daughter of Forest Glen Jiggy Jalapeno-ET, GJPI +150, ranks among the breed’s top 500 for GJPI with an index of +184. She is +1.3 for Type and has a Genomic Jersey Udder Index (JUI) of +21. She was consigned by Wickstrom Jersey Farms.
Another deep-pedigreed genomic heifer calf, JX Dupat Zippy {5}-P-ET, sold for $32,000 to Peak Genetics of Watertown, Wis. Sired by Goff S-S-I Listowel Dabo-P-ET, GJPI +160, she ranks #180 among polled females with a GJPI of +174. The May 2022 heifer has GPTAs of +429M, +63F (+0.19%) and +35P (+0.09%). She is backed by eight Very Good or Excellent dams. “Zippy {5}” was consigned by Wickstrom Jersey Farm.
Sexing Technologies, S. Charleston, Ohio, purchased Kash-In Chief 70016 for $27,500. The October 2022 daughter of JX River Valley Chief {6}-ET, GJPI +144, has a GJPI of +172. She is +1.6 for Type and has GPTAs of +1,604M, +89F (+0.05%) and +64P (+0.02%). “Chief 70016” was consigned by Kash-In Jerseys.
Second High-Averaging Sale
South Mountain Spotlight was the second high-averaging and third high-grossing sale of 2023, with an average of $9,496.36 on 55 lots and gross receipts of $522,300. The July 1 sale was hosted by Ernest Kueffner and Terri Packard of Kueffner Holsteins and South Mountain Jerseys at the Washington County Ag Center in Boonsboro, Md. The auctioneer was Adam Fraley. The sale catalog was created to honor Heath, a fellow Boonsboro Jersey breeder who convinced Ernie to invest in Jerseys more than 30 years ago and played a key role in every sale the couple managed over the years.

Like Decades of Dupat, seven females that sold in the South Mountain Spotlight ranked among the top 20 high-selling individuals for the year. The high seller, South Mountain Whistlin Dixie-ET, was purchased by Glamourview, a partnership of Iager and Walton of Walkersville, Md., for $60,000. The daughter of ST-Lo Nuance-ET, GJPI +13, sold bred to Avonlea Chocochip-ET, GJPI -35, in mid-June. For her new owners, she stood third in the winter yearling class at the International Jersey Show in October and then earned All American laurels at the All American Jersey Show in November.
“Whistlin Dixie” is out of Crossbrook HG Dixie-ET, Excellent-94%, Reserve Grand Champion of the 2015 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (RAWF). Her third dam is Arethusa Huronia Centurion Veronica 20J, Excellent-97%, the 2004 National Grand Champion and 2006 Supreme Champion of World Dairy Expo. “Whistlin Dixie” was consigned by Kueffner and Packard and David and Charity Packard of Boonsboro.
Glamourview purchased several other show prospects at South Mountain Spotlight as well, including South Mountain RCD Rock N Roll-ET for $30,000. The winter calf sired by Mr Kathies Kid Rock, GJPI -214, is from the “Rosey” cow family developed at South Mountain Jerseys. Her dam, South Mountain Andreas Rascal-ET, Excellent-93%, was Reserve Intermediate Champion of The Jersey Event in 2020. The next dam, South Mountain Voltage Radiant-ET, Excellent-94%, is the Winner of the 2018 National Jersey Jug Futurity. She is a two-time All American and Reserve Grand Champion of the International Jersey Show.
“Rock N Roll” was consigned by the partnership of Kueffner and Packard and RCD Jerseys. At the sale, Kueffner and Packard also bought out their partnership with RCD on ownership of Lot 1, “Rock N Roll’s” dam, “Rascal,” to become sole owners with a final bid of $26,000.

A pair of fancy young cows consigned by Kueffner and Packard were the second and third high sellers of South Mountain Spotlight. Drentex Velocity Glitterbug sold for $41,500 to La Casa de Leche LLC and Country Ayre Farms, Dewittville, N.Y. The Excellent-91% daughter of Arethusa Jade Velocity-ET, GJPI -149, was first milking yearling at The Jersey Event in 2022 and placed second in her class at the Maryland State Fair.
Peter Vail and Budjon Farms, Lomira, Wis., purchased Spring View Joel Kinsley, an Excellent-93% daughter of Guimo Joel-ET, GJPI -127, for $41,000. She was Intermediate and Honorable Mention Grand Champion of the Maryland State Fair in 2022.
South Mountain Spotlight was the venue for the purchase of two other fancy show cows. Arethusa Gentry Chevelle-ET was purchased by Megan Moede, Algoma, Wis., for $39,000. The Excellent-91% daughter of Rapid Bay Indiana Gentry-ET, JPI -166, is from the “Comet” line of the “Veronica” cow family. “Chevelle” was Reserve All American Winter Yearling in 2021 and Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion of The Jersey Event in 2022. For her new owner, she was Reserve Intermediate Champion of the International Junior Jersey Show in October and placed second in the open show’s senior three-year-old class.
“Chevelle’s” dam, Arethusa Veronicas Comet-ET, Excellent-95%, was Grand Champion of the RAWF in 2010. Her grandam is “Veronica.” “Chevelle” was consigned by RCD Jerseys, Kueffner and Packard.
The other fancy show cow, SSF VIP Janie, Excellent-93%, sold for $25,000 to Ava Hebgen and Avery Best of de Forest, Wis. Sired by River Valley Venus VIP-ET, GJPI -140, she was Supreme Champion of the Northeast All Breeds Spring Show in 2023 and Honorable Mention Grand Champion of the Ohio Spring Dairy Expo in 2022. She was consigned by RCD Jerseys, Kueffner, Packard and Rodney Hetts of Boonsboro.
Other High Averaging Sales
The Best of Triple T and Heath was the third high-averaging and second-high-grossing sale of 2023. The ninth sale of the series was a bittersweet one for co-managers Nathan and Jenny Thomas as it came just four weeks after the passing of co-manager Michael Heath. In all, 81 Jersey lots were auctioned for an average of $6,851.85 and a gross of $555,000 on April 22 in Circleville, Ohio.

Four lots sold for prices ranked among the year’s 20 best, including the year’s high-selling open yearling, Big Guns Kid Rock Villa-ET. Glamourview placed the final bid of $35,000 to add the “Kid Rock” daughter to their elite show string. She is the reigning Junior Champion of the New York Spring Carrousel and two of her maternal sisters have been named National Junior Champion: Big Guns Andreas Virtue-ET in 2018 and Big Guns Andreas Velvet-ET in 2020. Their dam, Big Guns Jamaica Vanilla, Excellent-95% was All American Aged Cow in 2016 and All-Canadian Five-Year-Old in 2012.
“Villa” was consigned by Madison S. Fisher of Frostburg, Md., and placed fourth in the spring yearling class at the International Jersey Show in October for Glamourview.
Two lots sold for $31,000 each. Woodmohr Jerseys of Bloomer, Wis., purchased Rapid Bay Gorgeous Glisten-ET. The Excellent-90% daughter of Reich-Dale Vaden-ET, GJPI -93, is a granddaughter of Vandenberg Amedeo Gorgeous, EX-97-3E (CAN). “Gorgeous” is a two-time Supreme Champion of the RAWF (2007 and 2009) and was Grand Champion of the Canadian National Jersey Show in 2005. “Glisten” was consigned by Jamie Black, Batavia, N.Y.
The other $31,000-priced lot sold as a between two high genomic heifers. Matt Steiner, Marshallville, Ohio, chose FB Jalapeno 822207-ET, consigned by Faria Brothers Dairies of Dumas, Texas. Born in July 2022, the “Jalapeno” daughter ranks #62 for GJPI with an index of +198. She has GPTAs of +1,402M, +66F and +59P and is +892 for CM$. She is +1.7 for Type and has a GJUI of +20.9.
Vierra Dairy Farms and Semex Alliance, Guelph, Ont., purchased the other heifer selling as the Faria choice, JX FB Quinlyn {6}-ET, for $25,000. Sired by Sexing JIG Viktor-ET, GJPI +165, the October 2022 heifer was the #1 “Viktor” daughter for GJPI on sale day. She has GPTAs of +1,227M, +64F and +55P and a GJPI of +181.

The All American Jersey Sale was the fourth high-averaging and fifth high-grossing sale of the year. Forty-six lots were auctioned for an average of $5,602.17 and gross receipts of $257,700. The JMS-managed sale was held on November 4 in Louisville, Ky.
A high genomic young bull, JX MM Chekhov Rayquaza {6}-P-ET, was syndicated by a group of 29 Jersey breeders and Select Sires for $63,600. Sired by JX Primus Dimitri Chekhov {5}-P-ET, GJPI +163, he has a GJPI of +173 and GPTAs of 1,104M, +75F (+0.10%) and +51P (+0.05%). He is +1.9 for Type and +21.2 for GJUI. He was consigned by Misty Meadow of Tillamook, Ore.
Vierra Dairy and Semex Alliance took home the high-selling female, JX FB TheBoss 867592 {5}-ET, for $20,000. Selling as a choice between two heifers, the partnership chose the option sired by a bull of their own breeding, JX Vierra TheBoss {6}-ET, GJPI +178, who was syndicated at Vierra Dairy’s Amplify Sale in 2022 for $530,000. The June 2023 heifer calf has a GJPI of +192, which ranks among the top 150 for genetic merit. She was consigned by Faria Brothers Dairies.

Another JMS-managed sale, the National Heifer Sale, was the fifth high-averaging sale, with a posted average of $4,892.65 on 34 lots. The sale was held on June 3 in conjunction with the annual meetings of the national Jersey organizations in the ballroom of the Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center in LaCrosse, Wis. The 66th sale of the series was again an online venue and cried by Todd Woodruff.
The high seller, AJ Chief 5545, sold for $27,000 to Matthew Steiner. The deep-pedigreed “Chief” daughter born in January 2023 has GPTAs of +1,248M, +80F (+0.08%) and +56P (+0.04%) and has a GJPI of +178. She is backed by a Very Good-86% dam with 29,300 lbs. milk, 1,479 lbs. fat and 1,112 lbs. protein at 2-10 and then three more Very Good dams with records over 20,000 lbs. milk. “Chief 5545” was consigned by Albright Jerseys LLC of Willard, Ohio.
High Sellers by Category
This year’s high sellers by category—heifer calves, open yearlings, bred heifers, cows, bulls, choices, and rights are also identified in the analysis. Many have been previously mentioned.
The second high-selling open yearling crossed the auction block at Decades of Dupat. The partnership of Peyton Gomez and Riley Whisler of Salinas, Calif., placed the final bid of $13,000 on Heart & Soul Fizz Frappe-ET. She is sired by J-Kay Tequila Fizz, GJPI -187, and out of Lookout Fortune 500, Excellent-93%. “Fortune 500’s” maternal sister, MB Lucky Lady Feliz Navidad-ET, Excellent-93%, was Grand Champion of the International Jersey Show in 2018. “Frappe” was consigned by Franchise, Enhanced and Lee Kuhtz of Ashville, Ohio.
South Mountain Dixies Disco-ET was the third high-selling open yearling. David and Charity Packard placed a bid of $12,000 on the yearling at South Mountain Spotlight to partner in ownership with Kueffner and Packard. Sired by River Valley Joyride-ET, GJPI -15, “Dixies Disco” is a maternal sister to “Whistlin Dixie,” the high seller of South Mountain Spotlight.
The second high-selling bred heifer, Milksource-BG Maebe-ET, sold to Delon Mortimer, Smithfield, Utah, for $14,200 at Decades of Dupat. Sired by Milksource-FV Metallica, GJPI -54, she sold due to “Kid Rock.” She freshened in early May and was appraised Very Good-83% at 1-6. “Maebe” is backed by three Excellent-95% dams. Her third dam is two-time National Grand Champion, Bolle-Acres MJ Willie May. She was consigned by Buster Goff and Milksource Genetics, Kaukauna, Wis.
South Mountain Cabo Joyride-ET brought the third-high price of the year for bred heifers, struck off for $14,000 at South Mountain Spotlight. She was purchased by Klinedell Farms and David Chance, Myerstown, Pa. The “Joyride” daughter is due to “VIP” in mid-February 2024. Her dam, Elliotts Cosmo Action-ET, Excellent-93%, is a maternal sister to the dam of “Chevelle.”
Decades of Dupat was the venue for the three high-selling in-vitro fertilization (IVF) sessions. ABS Global purchased rights to the next session with Dupat Nicklaus 25817-P-ET for $22,000. The daughter of Victory Thrasher Nicklaus-ET, GJPI +167, was the breed’s #1 polled female for combined fat and protein on sale day. She has GPTAs of +1,768M, +78F and +67P and a GJPI of +166. The session was consigned by Wickstrom Jersey Farms.
Sexing Technologies purchased rights to the next IVF session with Legacy Tucker 33331-ET for $18,000. Sired by Rowleys 1996 Daniel Tucker {6}-ET, GJPI +107, she is +2.1 for Type, +0.4 for CCR, +2.7 for HCR and +1.71 for Health Trait Index. She has a GJPI of +154. The session was consigned by Legacy Ranch, Tipton, Calif.
Jerseyland Sires, Turlock, Calif., placed the final bid of $16,500 on the rights to the next IVF session with Ehrhardt-MPH Kesre Joslyn-PP-ET, consigned by Kevin Ehrhardt and Michaeal Heath, Baldwin, Md. The fourth dam is Fermar Paramount Joy, Excellent-95%, dam of “Joyride” and Guimo Joel, GJPI -127, and first-place lifetime cheese cow at the International Jersey Show in 2014.
High Grossing Sales
Four of the five high-grossing sales have been mentioned previously: Decades of Dupat, Best of Triple T and Heath, South Mountain Spotlight and the All American Jersey Sale.
The fourth high-grossing sale was Post Time at Ratliff’s IV. The sale managed by Ron and Christy Ratliff was held at the farm in Garnett, Kan., on May 19. Like the colleagues of Michael Heath, the Ratliffs conducted their sale with heavy hearts as well as Christy’s brother, Michael Kennedy, had passed four months earlier. For the sale held in his honor, buyers paid an average of $2,813.27 for the 98 lots. The sale gross is $275,700.
Jaycee Burk, Marionville, Mo., bought the high seller, Kilgus Colton Galaxy, for $7,500. The four-year-old “Colton” daughter was consigned by Kilgus Dairy/Carla Kilgus, Fairbury, Ill.