
The Sires of Sons for the Jersey breed in 2021

In 2021, there were 129,213 animals recorded by the American Jersey Cattle Association. Those animals were sired by 3,359 different bulls (3,212 recorded sires). Which bulls are used most widely? Who are the leading sires of sons?

A total of 61 bulls sired 10 or more sons registered in 2021. In total, these bulls sired 36% of all Jerseys—male and female (46,525)—and 59.1% of all males recorded (2,754) during the year. The 40 bulls siring 10 or more sons are listed below.

Studying the top 10, 20 or 30 of these bulls is important for two reasons. First, they are largely determining the breed’s production capability in the near future. Second, they are going to continue to exert their influence upon the breed’s genetic merit for production and functional fitness for many years through their registered sons. For the past several years, it has been trending towards GCode bulls making up a large part of this group. However, this year we also see proven sires like “Listowel-P” and “Chrome” among the top 10.

The relative genetic contribution of the 61 sires with 10 or more sons to the genetic pool for 2021, is indicated by the weighted average (bottom line of the table). The average GJPI is +87 of the sires and they have a +3.0 Productive Life (PL) and are +6.1 for GJUI. This average is higher than the raw average of their PTAs. The bulls with the highest PTAs are contributing the most to the average genetic merit of sons registered in 2021.

Bulls by Group
The top 10 bulls ranked by the number of sons registered sired a total of 12,994 offspring, of which 658 were sons. The group carried the highest GJPI average at +125 and averaged +627 for PTA Milk; $573 Cheese Merit Dollars; and $561 for Net Merit dollars. Other averages are +4.1 for PL, and 82% Reliability. This is the fourth year for “Chrome” to rank among the top 10 sires of sons.

The second group of 10 sires, was very similar to the first group in traits and carries the highest PTA Milk of +781 and +108 GJPI. The group sired 313 sons and 10,046 daughters.

The last two groups of bulls are made up of an even mix of high production and high type bulls with more than 400 registered sons.
* Bulls included are Generation Count 4 or higher with a BBR 94 or above.

Click here for complete list of 40 top sires and their traits and averages.

2021 2020 Sire Name JH1 JNS Sons Daus. Total REL FS GJPI GJUI
1 HILLVIEW LISTOWEL-P F C 95 552 647 99 0.4 145 0
2 VICTORY S-S-I MIAMI HOLEINONE-ET F G 88 1,382 1,470 77 1.5 129 9.8
3 6 ISDK VJ RAASTRUP HIHL GISLEV F F 85 520 605 89 -0.6 123 -1.6
4 ROWLEYS 1996 DANIEL TUCKER {6}-ET F G 78 511 589 74 1.1 148 14
5 AVI-LANCHE KIAWA DIMITRI-P-ET C G 65 924 989 77 0.7 111 9.4
6 JX JER BEL MALDINI ARCHIE {5}-ET F G 60 2,721 2,781 78 1.1 105 9.1
7 TOG FEDERER 37562-P-ET F F 53 152 205 76 -0.1 126 -0.9
8 1 RIVER VALLEY CECE CHROME-ET F D 49 4,842 4,891 99 2.1 83 15.6
9 VIERRA TENPENNY-ET F F 44 668 712 78 0.5 139 3.1
10 TOG ISNER-P-ET F F 41 64 105 77 0.6 144 5.8
Summary for Bulls 1-10 658 12,336 12,994 82 0.7 125 6.4
11 AHLEM KIAWA ENSIGN 24617-ET F D 40 1,207 1,247 77 0.8 93 15.5
12 JER-Z-BOYZ JADYN-ET C G 38 796 834 77 1.1 107 3.7
13 JX DODAN LH TROOPER {4} F G 38 514 552 77 0.8 139 4.4
14 4 JX CDF JLS PILGRIM THRASHER {6}-ET F G 34 3,308 3,342 77 -0.2 111 -3.9
15 S-S-I VICTORY DASHIELL RENFROW-ET F D 33 261 294 77 1 98 -1.2
16 JX FARIA BROTHERS LEONARD {5}-ET F G 28 247 275 76 0.9 112 1.9
17 SUN VALLEY ABS JUGGERNAUT {6} F G 27 27 54 77 0.6 144 2.2
18 PRIMUS VICEROY CALIBAN-ET F G 26 3,228 3,254 79 0.6 99 5.3
19 29 JX RIVER VALLEY TRIUMPH {5}-ET F G 25 308 333 98 0.8 80 -0.8
20 JX VIERRA SINATRA {4}-ET F F 24 150 174 76 2 100 18.2
Summary for Bulls 11-20 313 10,046 10,359 79 0.8 108 4.5
21 11 JX RIVER VALLEY CHIEF {6}-ET F F 23 2,384 2,407 96 2.3 178 14.3
22 JX CAL-MART NORM HENRY {4}-ET F D 23 191 214 76 0.8 115 8.2
23 JX JER-Z-BOYZ SSI GOALS {5}-P-ET F G 23 78 101 76 1 124 3.4
24 PINE-TREE CHROME NAVIDAD {6}-ET F G 22 1,639 1,661 79 1.5 101 4.1
25 16 JX SUNSET CANYON GOT MAID {5}-ET F G 22 1,210 1,232 99 0.5 138 -5.5
26 CAL-MART COMPLETELY WORTHY {6}-ET C G 22 129 151 78 0.1 109 -3
27 ISNZ CRESCENT EXCELL MISTY-ET 22 57 79 67 -2.6 -65 -13.7
28 HILMAR MAGNUS MCCLAIN-ET F F 21 145 166 77 0.5 100 3.1
29 PROGENESIS SPIRAL-ET F F 21 77 98 77 1.9 147 12.6
30 PEAK RAZOR SHARP-ET F G 21 32 53 76 0.3 130 -0.6
Summary for Bulls 21-30 220 5,942 6,162 80 0.6 108 2.3
31 30 ELLIOTTS REGENCY CASINO-ET F G 20 1,431 1,451 99 1.9 19 15.9
32 39 RIVER VALLEY VENUS VIP-ET F F 20 601 621 98 1.4 -126 21.9
33 JX VIERRA ELVIS {6}-ET F F 20 105 125 78 1.2 104 4.1
34 5 JX AVI-LANCHE VICEROY DASHIELL {6}-ET C G 18 3,493 3,511 96 1.2 76 4.2
35 JX TWINRIDGE ALTASASSO {4}-ET F G 17 45 62 75 1.3 144 15.4
36 PEAK ENLITE-ET C G 17 37 54 76 0.6 119 1.9
37 31 DUTCH HOLLOW OLIVER-P F G 16 924 940 99 1.4 5 11.2
38 ISAU CAIRNBRAE BONTINO 16 289 305 65 0.4 -10 3.6
39 17 CHILLI ACTION COLTON-ET F F 15 655 670 99 1.7 -61 16.1
40 VICTORY S-S-I MIAMI FRINGE-ET F G 15 624 639 77 1.2 113 11.2
Summary for Bulls 31-40 174 8,204 8,378 86 1.2 38 10.5
For 61
siring 10
or more
Genetic Evaluation Average 1,629 44,896 46,525 82 0.9 87 6.1
of Sires
of Sons
82 0.8 102 5.9