64th Pot O’Gold Sale Kicks Off 2024 Production Contest
Twenty-six juniors from seven states invested in their Registered Jersey herds and became eligible to compete for prizes in the 2024 Pot O’Gold Production Contest by making a purchase from the Pot O’Gold Sale. The event held on November 6 in conjunction with the All American Junior Jersey Show in Louisville, Ky., auctioned 26 lots for an average of $3,740.38 and gross of $97,250.
Seventeen percent of the gross—$16,532.50—will be set aside for the “pot” for owners of the 22 heifers that complete the top first lactations based on product value.

High Sellers
A pair of juniors from Hilmar, Calif., took home the two high sellers. Diego Da Rocha purchased the high seller, Bohnerts Jaywalk Britny, for $6,500. The 10-month-old daughter of JX Sun Valley Jaywalk {6}-ET ranks among the top 1.5% for genetic merit with a GJPI of +132 (November 2021). She has Genomic Transmitting Abilities (GPTAs) of +854M, +60F and +48P. She is +642 for Cheese Merit Dollars (CM$). Her Very Good-81% dam, sired by River Valley Cece Chrome-ET, also ranks for GJPI with an index of +96. Six of the next seven dams are Very Good or Excellent with m.e. averages over 20,000 lbs. milk.
“Britny” was consigned by Bohnert Jerseys, East Moline, Ill.

The other California junior, Jack Swanson, placed the final bid of $6,000 on the second high seller, JX Primus Triumph Ceylon 22809 {6}-ET. A daughter of JX River Valley Triumph {5}-ET, she is due to BW Graduate next June. She ranks for genetic merit with a GJPI of +119 and has GPTAs of +1,486M, +60F and +55P. Her Very Good-80% dam ranks for GJPI as well and has a first lactation m.e. of 22,102—1,124—820 at 2-3.
“Ceylon 22809 {5}” is backed by a cow family that is well-known in Jersey show and sale arenas. Her grandam, River Valley Lemonhead Carnival-ET, is the breed’s former high-selling female, purchased by the consignor of “Ceylon 22809 {5}” at the Rendezvous at River Valley in 2016. Her seventh dam is two-time National Grand Champion, Pleasant Nook F Prize Circus, Excellent-97%.

Sophia Larson, Reedsburg, Wis., bought the third high seller, JX Avi-Lanche Jiggy Dede 31144 {5}, for $5,800. The daughter of JX Kash-In Got Jiggy {6}-ET is due to JX Jer Bel Maldini Archie {5}-ET in early February. She has GPTAs of +912M, +60F and +39P and ranks for GJPI with an index of +135. She is +1.3 for Type and +0.26 for Health Trait Index.
She is from the “Dede” cow family developed by consignors Jennifer M. and the late Richard Avila, Avi-Lanche Jerseys, Dalhart, Texas, and her family, Elsa and the late Donald Sherman of D & E Jerseys. Her Very Good-84% dam also ranks for genetic merit.
Ohio junior Elaina Hodge of Norwich placed the final bid of $5,400 on the fourth high seller, Legendairy Jiggy Gigi. The deep-pedigreed “Jiggy {6}” daughter has a GJPI of +119 and GPTAs of +797M, +46F and +39. She is due to sexed JX Spring Creek Marlo Stoney {3}-ET in early April. Her seven closest dams are Very Good or Excellent. Six of her eight closest dams have m.e. averages over 21,000 lbs. milk.
“Gigi” was consigned by Thomas L. and Jennie L. Seals, Beaver, Ore.
Pot O’Gold Program
Since its inception in 1958, the Pot O’Gold Sale has offered youth between the ages of seven and 20 the opportunity to purchase genetically superior heifers from top herds across the country. The Pot O’Gold program is managed by the American Jersey Cattle Association.
This year, the 64th sale of the series was managed by Jersey Marketing Service. It was broadcast online by CowBuyer.com and cried by Chris Hill.
The Pot O’Gold Sale followed the All American Junior Jersey Show on Saturday, November 6, and preceded the Youth Awards Ceremony on Sunday, November 7. Youth who placed in the 2021 Pot O’Gold Production Contest were recognized at the banquet, including winner of the contest, Chelsie Fuller, Newark Valley, N.Y., with Rog-Al Casino Pippa.
The American Jersey Cattle Association, organized in 1868, compiles and maintains animal identification and performance data on Jersey cattle and provides services that support genetic improvement and greater profitability. Since 1957, National All-Jersey Inc. has provided services that increase the value of and demand for Jersey milk and milk products and Registered Jersey™ cattle and genetics.
For more information, contact the American Jersey Cattle Association by email at info@usjersey.com. Or visit its website at USJersey.com. Connect socially at Facebook.com/USJersey.