
Alison Graves Wins Jersey Youth Production Contest

Alison Graves of Morristown, Tenn., has topped the 2023 National Jersey Youth Production Contest with Aspen Grove L Chrome Belle-ET.

She and 19 other juniors who earned prizes in the youth production contest will be recognized for their achievements on November 9, 2024, at the All American Jersey Youth Awards Ceremony in Louisville, Ky. Total cash awards are $550. Each division winner receives $100. The second-place honoree receives $75; third takes home $50; and fourth receives $25. The overall winner gets an additional $50, bringing their award total to $150.

To qualify for the competition, cows must have completed a lacta­tion of no more than 305 days during the calen­dar year. The contest is divided into two divi­sions. Division I is for first-lactation cows that calve before they reach 30 months of age. Divi­sion II is for all other cows. Participants are eligible for an award in only one division and an overall contest winner is recognized.

Records are ranked by the multiple component dollar value of the record. The values were determined by calculating the 305-day mature equivalent (m.e.), then applying Federal Order component values for the previous year along with a weighted average Producer Price Differential (PPD). Those values were $2.51 per pound fat, $2.38 per pound protein, $0.19 per pound solids and -0.07 per pound PPD.

This year, 58 qualified entries from 34 juniors from 11 states were received. The top 20 animals ranked in this year’s contest have an m.e. average of 25,714–1,347–952 and a dollar value of $6,422.76. All entries have an m.e. average of 23,323–1,200–864 and a dollar value average of $5,762.03.

Division I

This year, the winner of Division I for younger cows was named the overall winner as well. The previously mentioned “Belle” produced a record with an m.e. of 24,492—1,852—930 and a value of $7,847.59 to edge her peers. The Very Good-87% daughter of River Valley Cece Chrome-ET, GJPI +62, freshened with her first calf in July 2022 and gave 54 lbs. milk on her first test. She was consistent across her lactation, peaking with 68 lbs. milk in September and gave 42 lbs. milk for the tester 359 days fresh. She completed a 1-11 record of 17,870 lbs. milk, 1,388 lbs. fat and 683 lbs. protein. Components gave her an edge in the competition, with average tests of 7.8% fat and 3.8% protein.

“Belle” calved again in late September 2023 with a heifer calf—Aspen Grove Salsa Belle—and completed 3-1 record of 20,220 lbs. milk, 1,491 lbs. fat (7.4%) and 782 lbs. protein (3.9%). She is still working on this lactation and gave 50 lbs. of milk for the tester in mid-August.

She is out of Aspen Grove Liberty Bell, Excellent-92%, a matriarch at Aspen Grove Jerseys, operated by Alison’s grandfather, Dr. Daniel Parks, and their family in Morristown, Tenn. She still grazes the pastures on the farm and is the dam of Keystone Duke Braveheart, marketed through Genex Cooperative. He is sired by another Aspen Grove bull, Aspen Grove Paramount Duke-ET. The cow family traces five generations back to Duncan Belle, winner of the 2000 Jersey Journal Great Cow Contest and two-time Canadian National Grand Champion.

Ellie Bollenbacher, Argos, Ind., places second in Division 1 with JX Woodlawn Chavez Jolene {5}. She produced a junior two-year-old record with an m.e. of 26,073—1,511—985 and a value of $6,980.66. Actual production is 21,631 lbs. milk, 1,248 lbs. fat and 821 lbs. protein.

She is an Excellent-90% daughter of JX Co-op WC Mr Chavez {4}-P-ET, GJPI +27, purchased by Ellie and her family as a bred heifer from fellow Indiana Jersey breeder, John David Sipe of Monroe. She freshened with a heifer to start her milking career and then calved again in November 2023 to start her second lactation. She peaked with 77 lbs. milk for the tester in April and is projected to make 20,994 lbs. milk, 1,139 lbs. fat and 786 lbs. protein actual at 3-5.

A newcomer to the top rankings, Raymond Hess, Attica, N.Y., ranks third with his homebred entry, Spot 98 Demos GI Jo. The daughter of All Lynns Demos-P-ET, GJPI +95, produced a first lactation with a value of $6,969.83 and an m.e. of 32,290-1,411-1,056.

A stellar example of Jersey reproductive efficiency and profitability, she kicked off her milking career with an actual record of 2-0 303 3x 23,945 4.5% 1,070 3.3% 801 95DCR. She settled on the first service and calved to start her second lactation in March 2023. She completed an actual record of 17,686 lbs. milk, 867 lbs. fat and 704 lbs. protein at 2-11. She is now on her third lactation and confirmed pregnant. She gave 90 lbs. milk in May, 89 lbs. milk in July and is projected to 22,739 lbs. milk, 1,070 lbs. fat and 805 lbs. protein actual, on track to have three complete records before her fifth birthday.

“GI Jo” has a yearling daughter sired by TOG Fortunate-ET, GJPI +89, and is managed with the herd operated by Lyman Rudgers and his family. The herd ranks among the top 10 in the nation for actual milk and protein production.

A junior who has placed well in recent years, Sara Bok, Defiance, Ohio, ranks fourth in Division I with JX Max-Lord Kestrel Kyzie {5}-P. She made a 1-6 record with an m.e. of 30,869-1,392-1,033 and a value of $6,835.44. “Kyzie {5}-P” also ranks third in the 2024 Pot O’Gold Production Contest. Last year, Sara won this division of the contest with another Pot O’Gold purchase, Four J Chrome 19117 {6}.

Sara purchased this year’s entry, “Kyzie {5}-P,” from Jeff, Mary and Lisa Holtz, Maquoketa, Iowa, at the 2021 Pot O’Gold Sale. She was bred by Heather Lord and Amy Maxwell of Donahue, Iowa. She calved in September 2022 and kicked off her first lactation with a bang—87 lbs. of milk on her first test. She peaked with 91 lbs. of milk for the tester in April and completed a 305-day record of 20,443 lbs. milk, 947 lbs. fat and 703 lbs. protein. She freshened again in late December 2023 but left the herd in March.

Alison’s sister, Lauren, also placed among the top 10 in the division for younger cows with a full sister to “Belle.” Lauren’s entry, Aspen Grove L Chrome Bella-ET, ranks fifth. She made a 1-10 record with a value of $6,534.49 and an m.e. of 24,232-1,495-799. Actual 305-day production is 17,720 lbs. milk, 1,113 lbs. fat (6.3%) and 582 lbs. protein.

Much like her herdmate and sister, “Bella” is a consistent producer with high components. She calved in June 2022 as a first-calf heifer and gave 56 lbs. milk two weeks fresh. She peaked with 72 lbs. milk at 102 days in milk. “Bella” started her second lactation in July 2023 and recently completed a record of 2-11 305 19,060 5.8% 1,109 3.6% 695 97DCR.

Division II

The winner of Division II of the 2022 National Jersey Youth Production Contest is Coltan Own Seals, Beaver, Ore. His homebred entry, Legendairy Transformer Olympia, made a record with a value of $6,842.27 and an m.e. of 24,1003—1,490—970. Actual production for the 6-9 record is 23,360 lbs. milk, 1,261 lbs. fat (6.2%) and 947 lbs. protein (4.1%).

“Olympia” has six complete lactations, with an m.e. average of 21,440-1,191-849. She kicked off her best record—her most recent—in September 2022. She peaked at 269 days fresh with 92 lbs. milk in June 2023. Though she has not calved since she is still contributing to the bulk tank at Legendairy Farms with 48 lbs. milk for her May test. She has four daughters, the most recent was born in August 2021.

“Olympia” is sired by SC/RV Transformer-ET, GJPI -15, and from one of Coltan’s foundation cow families. Her grandam, Sun Valley Impuls Ambition, Very Good-88% was bred by his grandparents, Bearl and Joanne Seals, Sun Valley Jerseys, Cloverdale, Ore., and made her way to Coltan’s herd in October 2009 as a heifer calf. “Ambition” completed nine lactations and had an average m.e. of 19,456-944-756.

Colton has consistently placed in the youth production contest across his junior career—three other times with a homebred entry (2016, 2017 and 2021) and four times with a Pot O’Gold purchase (2015, 2018, 2020 and 2022). Two of his other homebred entries over the years, Legendairy MacKenzie Odessa-ET and her dam, Sun Valley T-Bone Oatmeal, hail from the “Ambition” cow family as well.

Rebekah Hess, a sister to Raymond, places second in Division II with Spot 98 Ivory Sunfire. She made a 3-11 record with a value of $6,552.12. The Excellent-90% daughter of CDF Layne Ivory-ET, GJPI +50, produced an actual record of 21,106 lbs. milk, 1,050 lbs. fat and 831 lbs. protein, with an m.e. of 26,037-1,337-1,031.

As with her herdmate, “Sunfire” is a model of productivity, settling with the first or second service each lactation. She calved at 1-10, 2-11 and 3-11, with complete records no less than 19,000 lbs. milk and is now nearing completion of her fourth lactation before her sixth birthday. She last freshened in late September 2023 and gave 90 lbs. a month fresh. She was still giving 89 lbs. at 283 days in milk and is projected to 22,961 lbs. milk, 1,212 lbs. fat and 921 lbs. protein actual. Three of her four closest dams are Excellent.

Massachusetts junior Sofia Zina of Hadley ranks third with Maplelines Lemonhead Exie. In her second lactation, the Very Good-87% daughter of Steinhauers Samson Lemonhead, GJPI +62, made a record with a value of $6,458.20 and an m.e. of 27,678-1,317-992. The actual record is 2-11 305 23,780 4.8% 1,149 3.6% 867 97DCR. She calved again in November 2023 with a heifer—Mapleline Overalls Everly—and is nearing completion of her third lactation. She has a projected 305-day record of 23,276 lbs. milk, 1,179 lbs. fat and 855 lbs. protein.

Sofia purchased her dam, Dutch Hollow Varick Exception, Very Good-86%, in the 2015 Pot O’Gold Sale. She has six registered daughters and an eight lactation m.e. average of 18,848-899-664.

Another fresh face to the top rankings is Dani Mosser of Geneva, Ind. He places fourth in the division for older cows with Pleasant Ridge Matt RMandy, who made a 3-6 record with a value of $6,273.92 and an m.e. of 23,648-1,323-937.

To begin her second lactation, the Very Good-88% daughter of Wilsonview IF Matt-ET, GJPI +44, calved in February 2023. She started with a bang giving 113 lbs. milk 40 days fresh, then followed that test with 94 lbs. in April and 118 lbs. milk in May. She completed a 305-day record of 26,710 lbs. milk, 1,449 lbs. fat and 1,031 lbs. protein.

“RMandy” freshened with her third calf in late February, gave 94 lbs. milk on her first test and is projected to 23,100 lbs. milk, 998 lbs. fat and 863 lbs. protein actual at 4-6. She is managed with the herd at Pleasant Ridge Jerseys, operated by the Mosser family, and has one registered daughter.

Jack Zina, a brother to Sofia, rounds out the top five rankings in Division II with Mapleline Andreas Caramel Corn. Sired by Sunset Canyon Andreas, GJPI -180, she completed 4-8 a record with a value of $6,262.00 and an m.e. of 22,921-1,368-870. Actual production is 23,370 lbs. milk, 1,330 lbs. fat and 845 lbs. protein.

“Caramel Corn” left the herd shortly before Christmas 2023 but has two registered daughters, one by “Lil Rum” born in March 2020 and another by “Closer” born with her most recent calving in June 2022. Jack has been breeding on the cow family across multiple generations. She traces to one of his first purchases, High Lawn Rocket Cherry Pop, in March 2006. The purchase proved to be a worthy one as she has numerous descendants, all creatively named after food. Jack has also done well in previous youth production contests with purchases from the Pot O’Gold program.

Other juniors to be honored for accomplishments in Division I of the contest are Zachary Chittenden, Schodack Landing, N.Y.; Nicholas McReynolds, Danville, Vt.; Renee Bok, Defiance, Ohio; Anna Chittenden, Schodack Landing, N.Y.; and Luke McReynolds, Danville, Vt.

Juniors to be recognized for achievements in Division II of the contest are Bryson Josi, Tillamook, Ore.; Erica Neal Stock, Newton, Wis.; Cassie Bohnert, East Moline, Ill.; Henry Dizek, Hadley, Mass.; and Sophia Bollenbacher, Argos, Ind.

Plaques and cash awards are made possible, in part, by Jersey breeders who consign animals to the National Heifer Sale. Each year, 10% of the proceeds from this sale are designated for youth program support, including the National Jersey Youth Production Contest.

Click on the following link for complete results of 2023 National Jersey Youth Production Contest.

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