Jersey Genomics Command Premium Prices in 2021
As humankind returned to pre-pandemic normalcy, dairy producers resumed their business of buying and selling Registered Jerseys in 2021. But the feeling of what constitutes “normal” is evolving everywhere. In cattle marketing arenas, the pandemic and technology have firmly entrenched industry trends that began emerging years ago.
The 2,711 Registered Jerseys struck off at public auction in 2021 and reported to the Jersey Journal sold for an average of $1,601.92 and a gross of $4.3 million. When compared to 2020, the average is on par and lot numbers up due to more public auctions. As compared to 2019—a more apples-to-apples scenario—the average is down $100 and numbers up 300.
Both average and numbers for 2021 are skewed by two California volume sales that auctioned a combined 1,206 commercial heifer calves and open yearlings, which typically sell for value prices. In previous years, the ratio of cows, bred heifers, and open yearlings/ heifer calves has been equally balanced. This year, open yearlings and heifer calves account for nearly 60% of animals sold.

The average for 2021 also does not reveal another trend: cattle price extremes. Online auctions allow dairy producers to purchase animals in volume without the cost of trucking to and from a venue, with mandatory health tests alone, resulting in lower costs overall. The two previously mentioned sales for Chateau Basque and Dream View Jerseys, managed by Jersey Marketing Service (JMS), sold group lots of 26-131 head in a matter of minutes to seven buyers in four states.
The internet also enables competitive bidding on crème de la crème genetics on the heels of genomic evaluations. Jersey breeders are finding new, creative ways to market their best genetics, including exclusive offerings and new looks for traditional choice packages and rights-to-flush. During 2021, more than 140 Registered Jerseys sold for $5,000 or more. Twenty-one sold for $20,000 or more.
212 | Cows, two years and over | $2,473.00 | $524,275 |
18 calves under three months, sold with dam | 601.94 | 10,835 | |
812 | Bred heifers | 1,374.57 | 1,116,150 |
344 3rd trimester bred heifers | 1,442.37 | 496,175 | |
273 2nd trimester bred heifers | 1,186.08 | 323,800 | |
195 1st trimester bred heifers | 1,518.85 | 296,175 | |
124 | Open yearlings | 2,047.98 | 253,850 |
1,529 | Heifer calves | 1,384.57 | 2,117,015 |
3 | Bulls | 39,200.00 | 117,600 |
5 | Embryos or flush packages | 2,205.00 | 11,025 |
18 | Choices of calves | 6,225.00 | 112,050 |
8 | Rights to flush | 9,987.50 | 79,900 |
2,711 | Lots | $1,601.92 | $4,342.800 |
Jersey breeders continued to buy and sell elite Registered Jerseys at elite sales, such as the National Heifer Sale, the All American Jersey Sale and series events managed by Jersey breeders, including the Best of Triple T and Heath, Quest for Franchise Kind, and The Jersey Event. During 2021, breeders also found top-notch genetics at the Southern Selection Sale and another pair of JMS-managed sales: Reaching for the Stars and Christmas Wrapped Genomics Sale.
The 26 public auctions included in the sales analysis were held in the United States during the calendar year 2021 and submitted to the Jersey Journal by February 1, 2022. Only sales reported with complete catalogs and marked with buyers and prices for all animals are included. Sales with fewer than 10 are included in the summary, but not ranked among the high-averaging sales. Animals that sold in sales with fewer than 10 head, though, are included in the high selling individuals.
To view the entire 2021 sales analysis as a PDF, click here. This report includes lists of high selling individuals overall and by category and high averaging and high grossing sales for 2021.
High Averaging Sales
For the third consecutive year, the National Heifer Sale was the year’s high averaging sale. It was the fourth straight time the event broke its own record for average. The 2021 edition auctioned 27 lots for an average of $11,138.89 and a gross of $300,750. The virtual sale was conducted under a tent at Cinnamon Ridge Dairy in Donahue, Iowa, in conjunction with the Annual Meetings of the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) and National All-Jersey Inc. on June 25. It was managed by JMS and cried by Todd Woodruff.

The National Heifer Sale was the venue for the year’s high selling female, JX Gure Behia Skyler 3945 {5}, purchased by Matthew Steiner of Pine Tree Dairy, Marshallville, Ohio, for $85,000. She was consigned by Chateau Basque Jerseys, Ceres, Calif.
The genomic superstar was off the radar in the months before the sale and genotyped as an incentive for consignors to test up to three prospects free of charge. A four-leaf clover for her consignor, Chateau Basque Jerseys, Ceres, Calif., she ranked #54 for Jersey Performance Index (JPI) and #20 for Cheese Merit Dollars (CM$) among all Registered Jerseys on sale day. The February 2021 daughter of Progenesis Skyler-ET, GJPI +119, ranks on the list of the Top 500 Females for GJPI with an index of +144 and Genomic Predicting Transmitting Abilities (GPTAs) of +625M, +87F (+0.26%) and +42P (+0.09%). She is +731 for CM$ and tested A2A2 for beta casein.
The National Heifer Sale also auctioned the breed’s new historical high selling choice, purchased by the partnership of Peak and Semex, Watertown, Wis., for $35,000. They chose JX Ahlem Fever Dream {6}-ET over her full sister. The October 2020 daughter of JX Dupat Fever {5}-P-ET, GJPI +94, tested A2A2 and has GPTAs of +1,405M, +52F and +42P. “Dream” was consigned by Ahlem Farms Partnership, Hilmar, Calif.
The second high averaging sale for 2021 was Quest for Franchise. For its fourth sale, Franchise partnered with three other cattle breeders—Ryan-Vu, Bella-View and Maple Leigh. The 36 lots sold for an average of $9,283.33 and a gross of $334,200. The event cried by Rick Bovre was held on April 17 at Maple-Leigh in Delavan, Wis.

When she was struck off in Delavan for $37,000, Ehrhardt Nuance Swirl became the high seller of the event and tied as the breed’s historical high selling bred heifer. She was purchased by Bos Dairy LLC, Lovington, N.M., and consigned by the partnership of Franchise, Glamourview, and David Jordan, Ashville, Ohio. “Swirl” is the 2019 All American Senior Heifer Calf. The daughter of ST-Lo Nuance-ET, GJPI +15, traces four generations back to Bri-Lin Rens Sofie, Jersey Canada’s Cow of the Year in 2012.
The second high seller of Quest for Franchise, TOG Bos Gallantry Gallon 547, sold for $36,000. The March 2021 daughter of JX Sexing Gallantry {4}-ET, GJPI +134, sold virtually, purchased with an online bid by Isaak Airie Bos to remain at Bos Dairy.
Two other lots sold through Quest for Franchise commanded prices above the $20,000 threshold. DG Bar Cali Girl-ET sold for $22,000 to Select Sires Inc., Plain City, Ohio. “Cali Girl” was consigned by De Groot Dairy Farms, Hanford, Calif.
Jersey breeders also syndicated the bull Big Guns Andreas Vin Diesel for $20,000. Sired by Sunset Canyon Andreas, GJPI -181, he is backed by a show-winning pedigree. Two full sisters have been named Junior Champion of The All American Jersey Show. Their dam, Big Guns Jamaica Vanilla, Excellent-95%, was Senior Champion of the 2016 All American Jersey Show. “Vin Diesel” was consigned by Madison S. Fisher, Newville, Pa.

The All American Jersey Sale was the third high averaging sale for 2021. The 65 lots sold for an average of $7,909.62 and gross of $514,125. Held on November 7 during All American festivities in Louisville, Ky., the sale was managed by JMS and cried by Chris Hill.
The year’s high selling individual, Legendairy Ducati-ET, was syndicated at the venue for $92,600. He was purchased by a group of 45 Jersey breeders and will be sampled by Select Sires, Inc., in Plain City, Ohio. “Ducati” ranked #1 for protein and #3 for CM$ on sale day. The son of Hillview Listowel-P, GJPI +145, has GPTAs of +1,602M, +67F and +68P and is +805 for CM$. He has a GJPI of +159 and is A2A2. He hails from the “Dee” cow family developed by consignors, Thomas L. and Jennie L. Seals, Beaver, Ore. His ninth dam is Duncan Brave PR Dee, Very Good-84%, winner of the 1989 National Jersey Youth Production Contest and 1990 Pot O’Gold Production Contest.
Four heifer calves struck off at The All American Jersey Sale were among the year’s high sellers as well. JX Crosswind Campbell {6} sold for $51,000 to Peak Genetics, Watertown, Wis. She was consigned by Crosswind Jerseys, Elkton, S.D. Select Sires Inc. purchased JX Gold Medal Chatham 47930 {5}, for $36,000. She was consigned by Ahlem Brothers, Hilmar, Calif. Sexing Technologies, S. Charleston, Ohio, took home the final high-selling lots: Jer-Z-Boyz Jiggy 76647 (consigned by Jer-Z-Boyz, Pixley, Calif.) for $27,000 and Dupat Chief 23918-ET (consigned by Wickstrom Jersey Farms Inc., Hilmar, Calif.) for $21,000.
Other High Sellers Over $20,000
Three other high sellers for 2021 crossed the auction block at The Jersey Event on August 20. The sale was held in conjunction with a show the following day in Lebanon, Pa. Fifty-eight lots sold for an average of $6,960.34 and a gross of $403,700. The Jersey Event was the fifth high averaging sale of 2021.
The high seller, SSF Andreas Camilla, brought $70,000 for consignor Pat Conroy, Angola, Ind. She was purchased by Ernest W. Kueffner and Terri L. Packard and joined the show string at South Mountain Jerseys in Boonsboro, Md. For her new owners, she placed fifth in the 2021 National Jersey Jug Futurity and was appraised Excellent-91% as a junior four-year-old. She is sired by Sunset Canyon Andreas, GJPI -181, and backed by seven Very Good or Excellent dams.

Glamourview, a partnership of Gene Iager and Craig and Emily Walton of Walkersville, Md., purchased the other two high selling lots: Hobby Hills Abigail for $54,000 and Four-Hills Joel Baracuda-ET for $25,500. “Abigail” is sired by Rapid Bay Indiana Gentry-ET, JPI -153. She was Supreme Champion of the Tioga New York Dairy Show for consignors Michael Heath and Jamie Black of Westminster, Md., and topped the milking yearling class at The Jersey Event the day after the sale for Glamourview.
“Baracuda” is sired by Guimo Joel-ET, GJPI -112, and sold due to ISAU Lightning Ridge Ferdinand, GJPI +18, in March 2022. She was named 2020 Reserve All American Junior Heifer Calf for consignors Spatz Cattle Company and Dream Valley, Lititz, Pa., and then topped the spring yearling class at the International Jersey Show for Glamourview.
The Best of Triple T and Heath was the venue for two other lots selling for $20,000 or more. The sale managed by Nathan and Jenny Thomas and Michael Heath and cried by Chris Hill auctioned 61 lots for an average of $7,412.70 and a gross of $452,175, marks that rank fourth for average and third for gross among sales in 2021. The sale was held on May 8 in Circleville, Ohio.
Sexing Technologies purchased the high seller, Hilmar Succession Jewel, for $42,000. She was consigned by Charles Ahlem, Hilmar, Calif.
Vierra Dairy Farms, Hilmar, Calif., placed the final bid of $20,000 on SV Heaths Kid Rock Jaden, the second high seller of Best of Triple T and Heath. The summer yearling is sired by Mr Kathies Kid Rock, GJPI -137, and from the same cow family as 2013 National Grand Champion, Stoney Point Excitation Jamie, Excellent-96%. “Jaden” was tapped Supreme Junior Champion of World Dairy Expo for Vierra Dairy. She was consigned by Michael Heath and Spring Valley Farm, Westminster, Md.

The seventh high seller for 2021 sold through the Christmas Wrapped Genomics Sale, an online offering that closed through on December 17. ABS Global Inc., De Forest, Wis., purchased JX Roc-Bot Clapton 13721 {5} for $41,200. She was consigned by Rock Bottom Dairy, Alvord, Iowa.
The second high seller of the Christmas Wrapped Genomics Sale was one of the other $20,000 priced lots. Sexing Technologies placed the last bid on AJ Chief 5094. She was consigned by Albright Jerseys LLC, Willard, Ohio.
The Southern Selection Sale was the venue for the final lots on the list of the year’s high sellers, including the two high selling open yearlings. The sale was managed by Tradition Auction Services LLC and hosted by Taylor Jersey Farm in Booneville, Miss., on May 31. In all, 97 lots sold for an average of $2,783.51 and a gross of $270,000.
The co-high sellers sold for $24,000 each. River Valley Farm, Tremont, Ill., purchased one of them, JX Avi-Lanche Loot Maid 31483 {5}, consigned by Jennifer M. and the late Richard Avila, Dalhart, Texas. United Pride Dairy LLC, Phillips, Wis., chose the other high seller, Fire-Lake FF Bionic Blessing-ET, the high selling open yearling for 2021. She was consigned by Nicole, Hannah, Joshua, Leah and Adah Sanders, Hilmar, Calif.
The second high selling open yearling, AJ Shazier, was consigned by Albright Jerseys LLC and purchased by ABS Global Inc. for $20,000. She subsequently sold to Endres Jazzy Jerseys, Lodi, Wis.
High Sellers by Category
Many of the high sellers by category have been previously mentioned.
The third high selling open yearling, Brenbe Gunman Glamour, and the third high selling cow, Cowbell Viral Ringrooma-Twin-ET, were auctioned at The Jersey Event. “Glamour” sold for $17,200 to RCD Jerseys, McDonald, Pa. The summer yearling was consigned by David Dyment and Michael Heath, Dundas, Ont. “Ringrooma” sold to the partnership of Franchise, D. Jordan, and M. and W. Iager, Ashville, Ohio, for $12,800. She was consigned by Ryan Lawton, Newark Valley, N.Y.
Third high selling bred heifer, Underground Milkshake Maddog, crossed the auction block for $16,500 at Best of Triple T and Heath. She was purchased by CLF LLC, Hobe Sound, Fla., and consigned by Joe and Amanda Nash, Jamie Black and Anthony Crothers, Lyndonville, N.Y.
The second high selling choice also sold at Best of Triple T and Heath. With a bid of $10,500, Steve Smith and Anthony Crothers, Pitcher, N.Y., purchased a first choice female sired by ISAU Cairnbrae Bontino, GJPI -10, and out of SV Velocity Rosie-ET. The two will choose first from two pregnancies that were due in October 2021. The choice was consigned by Spring Valley and Heath Jerseys, David Jordan and FTA Syndicate, Westminster, Md.
The third high selling choice was struck off for $9,000 at The All American Jersey Sale. Frank and Diane Borba and Alta Mae and Jeff Core, Modesto, Calif., made the purchase: a first choice female sired by “Joel” and out of Oakfield TBone Vivianne-ET. They will choose first from two heifers due in March. The choice was consigned by Kevin and Annetta Herrington, Dansville, N.Y.
This past year, Jersey breeders also paid premium prices for rights-to-invitro-fertilization (IVF), with six lots garnering bids of $9,000 or more. The high and third high selling rights-to-IVF sold through The All American Jersey Sale. ABS Global purchased the high selling rights-to-IVF for $18,000. Cataloged as Lot 1, the genetics company secured rights to sessions with Legendairy Jiggy Daiquiri-ET, a maternal sister to “Ducati” sired by “Jiggy {6}.” The package was consigned by Thomas L. and Jennie L. Seals.
Vierra Dairy Farms and Semex Alliance, Guelph, Ont., chose the other rights package offered in Louisville: an IVF session with JX MM Kobe Shania 14900 {4}-P-ET. Misty Meadow Dairy, Tillamook, Ore., was the consignor of the lot, which sold for $11,100.
The National Heifer Sale was the venue for second high rights. With a final bid of $16,000, Sexing Technologies will choose the service sire for a flush to Pine-Tree 348 Dalton Jala 2617-P. The January 2021 heifer calf is sired by All-Lynns Listowel Dalton-P-ET, GJPI +87, and out of the historical high seller of the National Heifer Sale, Wetumpka Viceroy Java-P, who sold in 2019 for $103,000. The flush session was consigned by Matthew Steiner.
High-Grossing Sales
The five high grossing sales of the year have been previously mentioned.
The Chateau Basque Heifer Sale ranks first for gross receipts at $616,660. The JMS-managed truckload sale was conducted in real time through on May 18, 2021, in Crows Landing, Calif. In all, 1,040 lots sold for an average of $592.94 as 14 group lots, ranging from 44 to 131 head. Three buyers from Arizona, California and Utah made purchases.
The second and third high grossing sales were The All American Jersey Sale and the Best of Triple T and Heath, at $514,125 and $452,175, respectively.
The Dream View Heifer Dispersal was fourth high grossing sale. In just 41 minutes, 703 head of bred heifers, open yearlings and heifer calves sold for an average of $629.49 and a gross of $442,530. The JMS-managed sale was held on April 20 in Crows Landing. Four buyers from California, Texas, and Wisconsin made purchases. The high selling lot was a group of 46 bred heifers purchased by Sunrise Farms of Dalhart, Texas, for $1,275 each.
Rounding out the high ranks for gross is The Jersey Event, with gross receipts of $403,700 on the sale of 58 lots.