
Lifetime Membership is a Gift that Lasts a Lifetime

The holiday season is quickly approaching! Are you starting to look for the perfect gift for a special Jersey enthusiast? Membership in the American Jersey Cattle Association may be just what you are looking for.

Lifetime membership costs just $100, with no annual fee, and includes a package of benefits. Members are eligible for membership rates for registration, which save $3.00 or more on each registration application. Active members (those who have either registered a Jersey or had a jersey transferred into their ownership within a two-year period) have voting privileges at the AJCA Annual Meeting. And, most importantly, members can participate with one another, sharing ideas and experiences as they work together to improve the Jersey breed.

To apply for membership, visit the AJCA website.

Who is eligible?

Anyone who ones a Registered Jersey and is interested in improving the Jersey breed can apply for membership in the AJCA. Those who do not own Jerseys but still have an interest in the breed are eligible for associate membership, also lifetime, with the $100 fee.

Junior Membership

Junior membership in the Association is offered to youth under 21 years-of-age at no cost. They may register the offspring of Jerseys in their names at the membership rate. Juniors must now be a member to be eligible for all youth contests, scholarships and to show at the All American Jersey Show. Membership expires when the junior turns 21 years old, at which time members may apply for associate or lifetime membership.