January: Embrace and Adapt the Opportunities Presented
February: The Call to Leadership
March: Leadership of the Jersey Breed
April: Rules of Registration, Data Flow and Genotyping
May: Visit Massachusetts and Share in History
June: Butterfat Continues Increase in Industry
July: Markets Continue to Show Jerseys are the Answer
August: Breeding the Best Cow for the Industry
September: "Incredible Experience"
October: The Single Greatest Jersey Event
November: Overlooked Benefits
December: Identification Leads to Breed Improvement
January: A Successful Year for Jersey Breed
February: Find the Hidden Gem in Your Herd
March: Leadership of the Jersey Breed
April: Recording Jersey Genetics Through Marketing
May: Welcome to Americas Dairyland
June: National All-Jersey Inc. at Work for You
July: A Message to the Membership
August: Guarantee Satisfaction
September: The Jersey Future is Bright with the Next Generation
October: The Single Greatest Jersey Event
November: Out of the Ordinary? Time to Report.
December: Making More Productive, Longer-Lived Jerseys
January: A Showcase of Everything Jersey
February: The Call to Leadership
March: Jersey Share in Market Continues to Grow
April: Raising the Bar of Herd Genetics Potential
May: Leadership Matters. Make Your Vote Count.
June: Supporting Jersey Youth for 65 Years and Counting
July: Overlooking Benefits
August: The Missing 39 Percent: Is it a Concern?
September: "Incredible Experience"
October: The Single Greatest Jersey Event
November: Out of the Ordinary? Time to Report.
December: 2022 Budget Includes Fee Adjustments
January: A Spectacular Event Made to Fit 2020
February: Looking Ahead to 2021 Milk Markets
March: Reaping the Benefits of Identification
April: A Measure of Success
May: Stand Up for Dairy
June: Iowa - the Land of Everything Jersey
July: Increase Your Profit Potential
August: Different Approaches to Reach Similar Goals
September: The Correct Action is to Report
October: Invest Directly into Your Future
November: End of an Era
December: The Call to Leadership
January: A Showcase of Everything Jersey
February: The Call to Leadership
March: Exciting Changes Coming with April Evaluations
April: Keeping the Jersey Business Moving Forward
May: Unprecedented Times
June: Recalibrating and Retooling
July: Reduce Your Risk
August: Out of the Ordinary? Time to Report.
September: Inspired Youth Today, Leaders Tomorrow
October: The Best Jersey Weekend of the Year
November: Guarantee Satisfaction
December: A Case for Genotyping
February: A Successful Year for the Jersey Breed
March: Opportunities Don't Happen. You Create Them.
April: Tackling Challenges
May: Leadership Matters. Make Your Vote Count
June: Brighter Days Ahead
July: The Odds are in Your Favor
August: Aid Will Help, Trade Will Be Better
September: Stabilizing Fertility Traits
October: Opportunity is Abundant with New Websites
November: Overlooked Benefits
December: Raising the Bar of Herd Genetic Potential